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A Essay on Cheese for the Masses
*NOTE* The teacher said I could write on anything... and I did...


    I love cheese! It just encapsulates all that is good. I hope by writing this essay that I may share the warmth that cheese has given me. There are many ways to approach the subject of cheese. First, I will talk of the word that is cheese, then the food form, and lastly the many meanings of cheese. I hope that by reading this essay you will in some way come to love the food, the miracle, the myth, that is cheese. That is unless you are lactose intolerant, and then I pity you, and have but one questions to ask. Do you get sick if you say the word lactose?

    The word cheese just seems to roll off your tongue. First is the crisp sound of the ch. Crispy yet gentle on the ear, it has the finesse. The ch sound was even discontinued from the Spanish language! Why? Because they could never think of a word with ch sound that was quite as good as cheese. Of course Spanish teachers will try to tell you other wise, but now you know the truth. The Spanish word for cheese is queso. The uniqueness of the qu sound almost is as good as the ch sound. The keyword is almost. Another perk of the word, cheese is the ending. The word cheese starts out with the cheery ch and ends with the smooth and calm, almost sad, eese. This shows how cheese is a very metaphorical word. It is almost a study on life. Life is started out with a happy beginning and the joy of birth but ended on the sour note and sadness that is death. Such is cheese. It is such a melancholy word. Also the word cheese has three e’s. That’s a wonder in itself! E is the most commonly used letter in the alphabet and the most common in cheese. Is it coincidence? I think not! Once you get used to the depth of cheese, it will seem common that parallels of such caliber can be drawn from such a simple 6-letter word. Did it ever occur to you that the word cheese has 3 vowels yet is one syllable? It’s a filling word yet low on calories!

    The taste of cheese is simply unremarkable. It has the smooth taste that melts on your tongue. Literally! It’s salty yet goes with sweet foods. Also it’s a team player. Cheese is unique and has a different flavor but it doesn’t overpower the other foods it’s mixed with. If cheese were a person it would be the type of person who everyone hovered over at parties. The type of person who everyone wanted to be around. And once you really got to know this person, he/she was comforting, warm, and gooey. Cheese would definitely hold your hair back for you, if you needed to vomit after drinking too much at the party. It’s that kind of person! The kind of person you would do anything for. The commercials that talk of the “Power of Cheese” are not joking around. I’ve seen men do some pretty crazy things for a nice Colby. And to boot there are so many cheeses to choose from. For every cheese that you don’t like there’s one that you like. It’s not like apples. Every apple tastes the same! Cheese even goes well with apples! It goes with pretty much everything!

    There are many uses for the word cheese. The most predominant one is “cheesy.” Usually used when something is of poor quality. I think this word is given a bad image and a worse definition! I think there is much good in a cheesy joke. Number one it speaks to everyone! It doesn’t take much to understand a cheesy joke. So when you are tired and don’t want to think and just want to let off some steam, it’s nice to have a good laugh at a cheesy joke. Also cheesy jokes are often quite clever. Puns are often called cheesy and I myself think they are very intelligent. Intelligent yet not hard to figure out once created. It’s hard to think of a pun but easy to laugh at them. I’ll finish this “cheesy” essay by stating a nice pun.

Why should Swiss cheese be worshipped?

Because it’s hol(e)y!
