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Author's Note: This is about having a crush. I'm sure EVERYONE can relate to this one. Even the guys.

Daydreams are our Memories


On tiptoes I walk
Thinking carefully of what I say
Fear and dread fill me
As I try to read your mind

When I am around you
I feel so naked
Like new clay
Ready for your impression

Hair placed so carefully
While fingers fidget with my shirt
Thirsty lips so perfectly painted
Speak mechanical words

Words well thought of and practiced
In dreams and in the mirror
Ones I had hoped to come so easily
Fall like lead from my mouth

My soul hungers just to let go
And tell you how I feel
But in this game of silly rules
I must wear this suffocating mask

But if this love is true
And all my daydreams the future
I should not have to suppress my words
With idle and impersonal chat

But why do I fear you?
Fear your silent thoughts
Fear the thought of losing
What I may never have

Oh, your eyes fill me with excitement
And words speak to my soul
I know I could show you the true me
If I could hold your hand to steady myself

Daydreams are our memories
Awkwardness my reality
Hope to support me
And imagination to torture me
