VIEWING EXPIERIENCE:     Okay first off I won’t even pretend I know everything about the Final Fantasy game series. The only one I have ever played was Final Fantasy 7. I enjoyed it very much… until I erased my game save accidentally. Then the prospect of going back over 50 or more hours of game play just didn’t sound appetizing. I would love to have played the other games in the series but I don’t have the resources (a.k.a. money and time.) Anyway back to the review. I saw this movie in Florida with my brother and his buddy, Adam. I was the only person who wanted to see the movie and since it was between that and Scary Movie 2, they reluctantly agreed. As we sat and waited for the movie to begin, we counted how many females there were in the theater. There were about 4. A small amount considering there were about 30 guys most all sitting alone. I found that slightly amusing. See I had this theory going into the movie. From what I knew there wasn’t much connecting all the games in the Final Fantasy series. Sure there was some repeats in names (Sid) but not characters nor worlds, nothing substantial. I pretty much figured the name “Final Fantasy” was to lure all those drooling fan boys. So I wasn’t expecting much. But overall I was really pleased with it and the movie in some way seemed like you were playing the RPG. Or as my brother put it, the movie followed the “Square Soft Formula.” The one all the other games followed. Basically there is a little bit of love, a bit of action, a really cool and intriguing villain, and an ending that no one really understands but everyone loves. Bingo.
    As for the effects they were of course breath taking. At points there were times where you thought you were watching a regular movie. The one problem with special effects are that they are too perfect and we all know life isn’t. It’s kind of ironic that in order to create perfect effects (as in most life like) they have to make it more imperfect. Special effects always amazed me. How they use so much detail. It’s the same with any science fiction movie. It really impresses me that you can think of these futuristic devices that we can’t comprehend let alone invent yet. If that made sense. Let’s just say this movie was very well done.
STORY SUMMARY:     Dr. Aki Ross (is searching along with the help of Dr. Sid (Donald Sutherland) for the wave, the wave that will finally destroy the “phantoms” and put the earth at ease. In the year 2065 the earth is in battle with these alien intruders. Everyone lives in fear and something must be done. But Aki is not only in a race against her rival General Hein who wants to use the Zeus ray against the phantoms but against time as she fights her own illness. With the help of Grey (Alec Baldwin) and his Deep Eyes military squadron can she find the last spirits in order to complete the ray in time? Both time and luck are running short for Anka. Da da da!
BEST QUOTES:     “I'm not young, in a time of war no one is."
CONCLUSION:     See it.