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Author's Note: Some are confused on the meaning (namely my mom) so here is the condensed meaning. Girl likes boy, happily boy likes girl. They can't be with each other for certain reasons. It sucks major.

Forbidden Fruit


When I look into your eyes
I see the door to paradise
But it is locked
Even though your eyes are warm
I’m sure your arms are warmer

I don’t dare to say the words
Even though I may burst
Passions that had laid dormant
Seams are stretched
And heart is torn

I hate to feel this way
Though I don’t hate you
I’m glad I’ve felt the glow of your smile
But these moments are stolen
I remind myself to keep sane

“If only” follows me as I go
Tugging on my brain
Nagging at my heart
I know if only things were different
If only they weren’t this way

My lips are thirsty
And fingers itch
I know we can be happy someway
