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    Author's Note: Lost Poem of senior year. This one is about our perception of life... and how sometimes how infinite the senses can make you feel: good and bad. Basically it was spurred by the thought that maybe my orange is in reality your blue but since we both point at it and say orange then we never know they are different. And after contemplating this it made me feel suddenly sad becuase it would be just a shame if you (universal you) would be missing out... or maybe even if I would. Because the colors I see sometimes... they give me shivers. I think also to some extent it is about feelings to... when someone doesn't feel the same as you...

In Ashes Grey


I hope you see these colors
Imprinted under my eyelids
Branded by your kiss
Sending shivers, so vivid

Stretch and catch the feeling
Running up my spine
Secretly flowing in ribbons
Deep in eyes of pine

Taste the sweet orange
Filtered by pink tongue
A smell of luscious violet
Quenches thirsty lung

Sudden oil slicks on canvas
Destruction accented by deep red
Underlining tragedy
Hues of life gone dead

Marigolds in ashes grey
Highlighted by your smile
Crimson creeps from angel lips
Flow stopping for a while

Perception marrs your face
All in different scale
I hope you see these colors
Variations would only pale
