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    Oral sex is something on everyone’s minds. And apparently on yours if you clicked on this essay. But why do I choose such a naughty subject to rant on? Because kids now a days are just to damn irresponsible. It was brought to my attention that an Oral Sex club was started in my township. So I promptly asked, “So who started it?” Little to my surprise would I learn that it was 5th graders. Yes, you heard me… 5TH GRADERS! Isn’t that technically before puberty or something? I hear the new generation was maturing quickly but this is just absurd. Apparently some 5th grader started it and the club really is popular. Not only are kids participating in it but also they are advertising it. You hear me they have the guts to post posters on lockers to advertise this new club. And a girl asked my own friend if she would like to sign up. Not only that but a girl I know was asked by a fellow 5th grader for a blow job… I think our next generation has just slipped a notch.

    First off as far as oral sex goes. Heck you’re 20 or so or whatever and you are with your partner, have fun. Even then I don’t know if it's still right. But come on… This is too young, this is too early. What ever happened to innocence? Now instead of cooties it’s herpes. What happened to love? What happened to two consenting adults in love sharing something special? A symbol of love and desire. Now instead of something special it’s turned into some sick trick. The girl will get on her knees for anyone. Heck, it’s the second date might as well serve her purpose. And what about guys? How is this teaching them to treat women? Like meat like some sort of vacuum. Might as well as use a vacuum it has more dignity. Like I said before my neighbor who is almost a sister to me was asked for a blowjob from her boyfriend. She was frightened and came to her sister. She didn’t even know what it was. She’s only in 5th grade.

    So where did it start? When did love become such a cheap word? I know teens were always horny but it’s gotten ridiculous. We’ve digressed as a society and there has to be some reason. Well, I guess you could blame the invention of the birth control. Now it’s easier to get laid and not have to pay for it 9 months down the road. What do these kids care? Get a quickie before and after school. Heck polish it off during recess. It’s pleasure no pain. Just the loss of your integrity. So kids are sloppier. More accidental pregnancies and more sexually transmitted diseases are popping up. Or you could blame the parents. What are the parents doing about this? I actually know parents that encourage relationships when they are young. Not sexually but just as a “cute” couple. Come ON! Don’t they remember raging hormones? Kids think couples kiss and make out all the time. And that’s sure fine with them. They want to be special. Love is special so why can’t they have it at age 9? Not saying I don’t want a relationship but I think 9 is a bit early. Or is it the more the parents tried to lead them the more they go astray? Heck you could blame the media everyone does. Girls are sex objects. To be sold and watched. Sure they are expressing themselves… Fuck the kids they are just being themselves. Corporate America doesn’t look to the future only now. How much money is coming out? What her sales are getting slow? Remove one article of her clothing and put out the next single. Now the next barely illegal girl. Instead of expressing our sexuality through music we are cheapening both.

    I’m not sure if there is a target to point our finger at. Or even if there is a solution. I think we have to go back to being wholesome. By knowing yourself and expressing it without crossing the lines. By setting a good example. We all need to make sacrifices for the greater good. It used to be thought a bad thing that girls and guys couldn’t talk about sex or express them selves. Now I think we’ve addressed matters and it has to be controlled. Sure we have freedom but what price have we paid? I’m sure it was only inevitable. When I think of this I think of Animal Farm. What a lovely idea. A utopia where everyone is free to their desires. But we forget we are animals nothing more. Just because we can figure out a tip doesn’t mean anything. So we have urges. Heck a horse will eat it’s self to death. And we’ll keep on chugging till the end. Innuendo intended.
