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    It’s always fun to make a total idiot of yourself in front of people you don’t know. Today I got out of my car in down town Pittsburgh, stumbled, and fell flat on my face. Than when I got up I still walked around with out the use of my ankle for about 10 seconds. I have no idea what brought this sudden attack of uselessness in my ankle but it was scary and apparently humorous. Because this group of teens nearby started laughing their heads off. Though I do admit I would of probably would of snickered too. After the embarrassment and laughter stopped I was left with a tingling in my ankle and the feeling of dread.

    It made me really appreciate the use of my legs. That may sound silly but it made me think. There are some people out there without the use of their legs or have some other disability. Maybe this is because of an accident or they have been like that since birth. I could not imagine loosing feeling or not being able to walk. My heart goes out the people who can not experience life to the fullest because of a disability. It also makes me feel sad for those who don’t have disabilities but they don’t live life to the fullest because of the fear of not being accepted or the dread of embarrassment. There are wonderful people who don’t have the chance at life like others do. These people deserve this blessing way more than those who have it but don’t appreciate it. That’s why I try to be true to myself and not stunt my life because I was to embarrassed or afraid to do something. Not saying I’m not shy or afraid sometimes. But life is too short to be all uptight. So I encourage everyone to dance, sing, and laugh. If you just don’t care to dance hey I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to those who don’t dance because it’s “uncool.” Think of the little kid in a wheel chair next time you laugh at someone because they’re having a fun time and dancing.

    Also recently I was bored and watching some dating show. When this question came up. If you had to lose one of your 5 senses what would it be? Most of the people said, “sight.” Which personally I think is a horrible choice but that’s just me. If I REALLY had to lose one sense. I guess it would be smell but even that is hard to say. Once again I have to reiterate that I could not imagine not getting the chance to live life to the fullest because of a disability. Not getting the chance to see the one you love, feel their warmth, taste their kiss, smell their hair, and hear their voice. Sure I haven’t gotten to do that yet. But I think an even more horrible thing, would be to never get the chance.
