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Author's Note: This poem is basically about worry. It is also chock full-o-metaphors! Here's a basic run down: Porcelain face/mask = facade that everything is alright, serpent = worry, demons = thoughts, fogged vision = confusion, lashed tongue = doesn't know what to say, apple = knowledge, and paradise = ignorance. Okay, maybe that wasn't needed but I really want you fellows to get the full effect. I wrote the poem after a long dry spell. Hopefully it's a good sign of more to come! And hopefully happier poems seeing that I'm a happier person. *knocks on imitation wood computer desk*

So Flickers the Tongue


Smooth and subtle take no notice
My porcelain face does not crease
But there is a black tongue flickering
Tracing the edges of my mask

Each breath draws the serpent tighter
He coils around my breast and waits
For some sort of sign of breaking
In the warmth of fresh wounds he does bask

He squeezes the demons ‘til they have nowhere to hide
Rushing up to my eyes they peer out
Their heavy breathing fogs my vision
And pointed tails lash my tongue

At one time ripe the apple sours
Turning over and over within
The serpent tempted me with a bite
And I lost the paradise to which I had clung
