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The Shining

5 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major squid.5 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major squid.5 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major squid.5 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major squid.5 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major squid.


RATING:     5 penguins out of 5 would enjoy this movie.

VIEWING EXPIERIENCE:     I rented this movie with 2 other friends. And I watched this movie about 2 times thought I don’t count the first. I was paying too much attention to the movie. I’m glad I reviewed it though. Not only is The Shining a classic but it’s damn scary. I had to stop it several times before continuing. Of course I knew the ending already but most do. I heard the book is good and a must read. Meaning I will. : P The acting is superb. Also the hotel where it is shot is very beautiful. Finally the only thing that bothered me about this movie was the mood music. It was quite deafening and sometimes overdone.

STORY SUMMARY:     Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) takes the job, as superintendent at the Overlook hotel during the winter while it is off-season. It’s a new start for him and his family. So the Torrances move in and its starts off well. But something is wrong with the hotel. The overlook is built on an old Indian burial ground and seems cursed. Timmy Torrance the young son of Jack has a gift of “shinning” and he knows the hotel is evil. He sees things. But does his dad? Or is his dad so past the point of return there is no turning back.

BEST QUOTES:     “Timmy's not here Mrs. Torrance.”

                                "RED RUM!"

CONCLUSION:     See it.
