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    I'll use this metaphor to explain how I feel... I'm on a cliff I've been hanging there fighting the force pushing me off the cliff but I've become weary and have plunged to my own death of my own will. I've become apathetic to my life. Don't worry I'm not suicidal let me explain...

    I have stayed after school for the last 3 weeks and the last few days I have stayed till 9 or later. Today I could have gone to an extra play practice where they might have needed me but I just didn't care. I might lose some my parts because of this but I could care less. I would have gone but I was just too tired. Not just physically but mentally too. I’ve been trying to put out my best and I just can’t take it anymore. Why does everything have to be so hard? Not just in the play, my mom yells I'm unaffected and I just messed up a recipe and totally ruined the cookies but I didn't blink. I'm just tired and I need to disappear of a while just to chill. That's why I can't wait till I go to Florida for Thanksgiving. Finally I will be able to rest. But I know that is not true for there is no rest for the weary.

    “I’m still waiting for this magical thing called good fortune”
