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    Author's Note: Well, I wrote this poem at a very confusing time in my life. I had thought I was happy and had moved on from a bad spot but in reality I had never faced my demons and they were coming back into play. I just couldn't find, like the poem says, what I was looking for. Also I wrote this poem while walking through the halls of my school. I was so distraught that I asked to go to the bathroom and just walked. Then a melody came to me and I started singing the chorus part thingy (the two line stanza in the middle.) And so a poem was born. Who knows maybe I will even turn it into a song. The title of course is a play on words. For not only was I wandering (walking) but I was wondering (thinking). But I chose the more literal wandering since that is what the poem illustrates. Well, I do believe I chose the right door for I'm happy. *crosses fingers*



I’ve been walking down these halls
Bleak cold walls greet me
Countless doors without names and sudden pitfalls

I trace my fading footsteps and look back to find
I’m just as far as when I began
Just blurred footprints linked into circles left behind

The distorted faces rush on past
As I try to take hold
Must find something to cling too, must not go too fast

I’m wondering if there is something more
And I don’t know what I’m looking for

There’s a melody rising in my throat
But the words will not come
Just a choke, a shudder, and single tear note

Something isn’t right in this timeless travel
The seconds bleed and minutes scream
As my sanity begins to unravel

I must concentrate and choose the right door
For something is missing
And I don’t know what I’m looking for
