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It's all deep and stuff...





On The Subject Of Me

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  Hello, and welcome to my little abode. Please feel free to read my little bits of wisdom and to respond. Cause there's no mail quite like hate mail. Oh yeah and please read my mission statement. Yes, there is a a method to my madness. Not a very good one but there is one.
  Choose your poison...

    Random Acts of Thought:

    Senseless 11/3/00
    An Angry Essay Written Late at Night About Fashion 1/17/01
    ORAL SEX!!! 5/14/01 (I think the title is warning enough of the content.)
    On the Subject of Me: The Essay 9/24/01

    Deep Thoughts by Sheila: (these are awful poetic, you are to be warned)

    Fall Fantasia 11/6/00
    Tired... 11/15/00
    A Masterpiece 11/9/00
    That Loving Feeling 2/1/01
    A Essay on Cheese for the Masses 10/29/01
    Twilight Magazine Cover 9/30/02


    The Yearning 12/8/00
    Pandora's Hidden Evil 12/18/00
    Baby Sun 1/9/01
    Beloved Phantom 1/28/01
    Blind 2/5/01
    Perfect Ripples 2/14/01
    Daydreams are our Memories 3/13/01
    Take Her 3/27/01
    Forbidden Fruit 4/23/01
    Deepest Black 5/7/01
    Last Breath 6/23/01
    Ocean Angels 6/30/01
    Nightly As the Moon Rises High 8/1/01
    Sunkissed 8/31/01
    All of You 1/4/02
    Wandering 1/27/02
    Blood is the Life 3/24/02
    So Flickers the Tongue 9/12/02
    Untitled 12/14/02
    Just a Jealous Girl 12/14/02
    To Feel 7/16/03
    Foil Written: 4/03, Posted: 5/7/04
    The Legacy of Anne Boelyn 5/7/04
    Bohemian Litany Written: Winter '02 Posted: 3/3/06
    In Ashes Grey Written: Fall '03 Posted: 3/3/06
    My Intention Written: who knows... Fall '03?, Posted: 3/3/06
    So Here She Lies at Midnight Written: Spring '04?, Posted: 3/3/06
    Today I Wrote You a Letter Written: Spring '05 Posted: 3/3/06
    On Bedsheets Written: 5/24/04, Posted: 3/10/06
    Ours Written: 6/4/04, Posted: 3/10/06
    Teatime in the Den Written: 8/25/04, Posted: 3/10/06
    And I Walk Summer '04, Posted: 3/10/06
    Nightly Test Pattern Written: Summer '04, Posted: 3/10/06

    The Adventures of Sheila:

    How My Year Started: Part 1 1/03/01

    Short Stories errr... Story:

    The Voice that Calls Me: Part I 11/29/01