VIEWING EXPIERIENCE:     I really don’t know what to say. I’m pretty sure I didn’t like this movie. Or was it that I did like it? I’m so confused. Well, one effect of this movie on me was after it was done when my mom called me back to see one scene I just couldn’t stand it. I had to leave the room while it was playing again. I saw it, it was over, and that’s all I could stand. I don’t know why. It’s probably due to my hatred for romantic comedies. And Bridget Jones’s Diary was definitely one.
    Anyway down to the technical stuff. Renee Zellweger played the main character Bridget. I like how she was portrayed. She wasn’t skinny skinny or overly attractive, she was real. I enjoyed her character. What I did not enjoy was Hugh Grant who played Daniel, one of her love interests. I mean he was great, this really is just another one of my hang-ups. I love Hugh Grant and he’s sooo cute and it’s just soo hard for me to see him that way. It makes me sad… Though I did like seeing his naked butt in one scene. There is only a little nudity. What a shame… Generally I liked the story line. Though it was scenes full of tension awkwardness. Is that a word? When I say a lot I mean… A LOT! It was generally fun though it shed a light on old people’s sex lives that I did not want to see.
STORY SUMMARY:     Bridget is 32 and unlucky in life and love. And like she says once something goes right in her life something else in another area of her life goes horribly wrong. So she decides to pick herself up, change for the better, and start a journal. Like every other Journal/confessional movie she tells life how it is in a witty way full of insight and umm.. wittiness. So follow Bridget as she bounces between the two men she has come to love and settles on the love of her life. Awww….
BEST QUOTE:     "I can see myself found alone and a spinster in my apartment dead due to being attacked by wild dogs."
CONCLUSION:     See it. It really is pretty good. Bridget JOne's Diary is about the only romantic comedies I've ever really enjoyed.