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Dracula 2000

2 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major tuna.2 out of 5 penguins agree this movie kicks major tuna.

RATING:     2 penguins out of 5 would enjoy this movie. Out of the 3 that didn't enjoy it one sat through the movie just to point out the loopholes. And the other 2 passed out when they say Vitamin C nakey.

VIEWING EXPIERIENCE:     Dracula 2000 sucked. There were at times that I got into this movie. But these times were few and far apart. At first it started out pretty good but then it just lost it. The plot was pretty creative and if the dialog and events were better written this movie could have been pretty good. The thing that really got to me was those witty catch phrases the characters always say before they kick ass or at least attempt to kick it. They are very common in most action movies and ruined the movie The Mummy for me (well that and the plot.) I just can’t stand those sayings… soo tasteless… so… bad… Other than the script the movie was pretty cool looking. But looks can’t drive a movie. The cinematography was neat. It was very stylized dare I say hip? As for acting… good acting wasn’t really needed nor was it accomplished. Heck this movie is so stylized one of the main actresses is the very stylized singer Vitamin C.

STORY SUMMARY:     Some thieves just stole something very valuable to Dr. Van Helsing (Christopher Plummer.) Something very valuable and very dangerous. Before they know what they really did it’s too late for the world let alone the thieves. So now Dr. Van Helsing and his confidant Simon (Jonny Lee Miller) must travel from London to New Orleans to stop this tragedy before it is too late and an innocent girl, Mary is taken… forever. DA DA DAAAAA

BEST WORST QUOTE:     "That'll teach you to mess with a antique dealer!"

CONCLUSION:     Don't see it. Unless you can shut your mind off to the millions of loopholes and mistakes.
