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The Characters

Arnold is the main character of Hey Arnold!. He's quite a day~dreamer with high morals & ideals. He's an advice giver & has a rose~colored~glasses look on the world. He's known to behave & react to things more maturely than anyone else around him...including the adults. Arnold lives in the Sunset Arms Boarding House with his grandparents & the rather outragous boarders. His parents were called away, leaving him with his grandparents when he was a baby, but their plane disappeared & it's unknown if they are still alive. Though this fact might be a burden to any other nine~year~old, Arnold keeps his optimism in the hopes that they may someday return.

Helga G. Pataki is head~over~heels in love with Arnold & has been since she was three years old, but she covers up her feelings by acting like she repulses him & calling him names like Football Head or Arnoldo. In doing so, Helga has created this very tough bully exterior, when she is actually a very vulnerable, sensitive girl. Helga's family is another reason for her 'bully behavior'. Her mother & father simply adore her older "Award~Winning" sister, Olga & never seem to notice Helga, infact her own father usually calls her Olga by mistake. Her family's attitude towards Helga actually helped spark the fact that she fell in love with Arnold. This is because Arnold was the first person to ever really notice Helga. He complimented on her pink bow when they were in pre~school, which is why she still wears it to this very day. Although Helga may seem like a mean person, she has redeemed herself, at least in the audience's eyes, time & time again with her selfless acts of kindness & her softer side revealed in her poetry & love for Arnold.

Gerald Martin Johanssen is Arnold's best friend. He's also the Keeper of the Urban Legends, telling all the sacred stories that help create the atmosphere appropriate for whatever adventure or challenge the gang from P.S. 118 have instore for them. He's considered a very 'cool' kid & he never looses his head. He likes to make money & will come up with any idea for Arnold & he to make a little cash. Though in the end, both of them usually come out none the richer. Still, no matter the situation, Gerald is a true friend & has stood by Arnold 100% & vice versa. Gerald also has a little crush on Phoebe.

Phoebe Heyerdahl is the brains of P.S. 118, almost to a fault. Sometimes she can let her smarts get in the way of what's best. But she really is a sweet little thing & always willing to give her aid & knowledge to whatever plan has been cooked up. She's also Helga's best friend. Although Helga has never actually told Phoebe her secret love for Arnold, Pheobe is close enough to Helga (& smart enough) to put 2 & 2 together. She, in turn, has a crush on Gerald.

Harold Berman is...well he's Harold. He's always hungry & kinda wimpy, but don't ever tell him that or he'll pound you. He's actually got soft side & can be a really nice guy when he wants to be. He's really the only kid on the show that we know has an actual religion, he's Jewish. He's not nine like most of the other 4th graders, he's 13 because he's been held back a couple times. But even though he's been held back & he may not act like it most of the time, he's actually pretty smart.

Sid is a superstious kid. He's always freaking out about something or up to some kind of mischief. Sometimes he can let his imagination get the best of him & get a few very odd ideas in his head. He's really a nice kid & would always return a favor. He's usually seen a lot with Stinky & Harold & he has a great love for frogs.

Grandpa Phil is Arnold's Grandpa. He's quite a wiley~old~coot & always has a story of relevance, if not of help, for Arnold. He's quite stubborn & has learned, like most grandpa's do, that once you're as old as he can do & say practically anything you want.

Grandma Gertie (AKA by Grandpa: Pookey) is Arnold's quite eccentric grandma. She often mixes up the holidays, like shouting "Happy Thanksgiving!" on Christmas Day. She also does a lot of role~playing, pretending to be Calamity Pookey at a corral, a black belt in karate *which she really is* or Bwana in the jungle.