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Name Justin Bubar
Birthdate 12/01/81
Use in the band Drummer
Favorite U.A. Song Check your Mama
Favorite Bands Underoath, XdiscipleX AD, Zao, Embodyment, Deftones
Influences Jay Bakker, Scott Gravatt
Marital Status ASAP
Hobbies Video games, lifting weights, playing drums
Money, most girls
Dislikes Poser kids! crappy bands (most bands out now are), stupid girls, wussy music, obvious gay men, dance clubs, getting hurt, and not having enough money!
Favorite Movies DUEL!! all Planet of the Apes movies, all 3 Back to the Future movies, Fight Club, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Snatch, Saving Private Ryan, and last but not least Office Space!!
Favorite TV Show Jackass, Sports Center, NBA tonight
Favorite Food Stir fry, chicken ceasar salad
Favorite Place Bed, couch, behind my drum set
Favorite Drink 30oz. strawberry hulk, Met-Rx protein shake, sprite
Favorite Book Son of a preacher man
Favorite Serial Serial Carpens
Favorite Video Game Madden 2001 (ps2), NBA street, all Gran Turismo games, NBA 2K1
Favorite Greg Motte Quote Ouuwwhh nnoouu
Favorite Magazine The Sporting News