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My Song of Lament for I Am Sorry I Am Such a Fool
Style - acoustic rock

I never meant to hurt you
Now I'm so sorry
I just want you to be happy
Even if it's not with me
I'm sorry for eveything I did
I understand if you never
Want to talk to me again
I understand if we can't be together
It's enough just to see your smile
Just to see your sweet face
Just to here your laugh
and It's okay because
I probably don't desreve you anyway

I never menat to make you mad
Now I'm so sad
It's okay if you don't
Want to be with me
I'll always rememeber
The time we had
And I wonder do you
Lie awake at night
And think of me
The way I think of you
I know I made a mess of eveything
I'm such a fool
Guys like me
Don't get girls like you anyway

I'm sorry

© 2001

This song is a real melo acoustic song Nate and I wrote at a youth camp. It's the first R.F.S. song. It's about some of my past realtionships, and things I've done to girls. It's basically me just saying I'm sorry for all the stupid stuff I've done.