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Last Words - Matt Bubar - 7/18/01

Last movie you saw
Final Fantasy
Last cd you bought
I burn a lot of cd's but the last one I bought was CKY Volume 2
Last time you passed out
HA! It was at Nate's house. Ask him why
Last book you read
I'm reading "Of Mice and Men" right now
Last song you listened to
Weezer - "Why Bother"
Last time you woke up not knowing where you were
I think it was when I slept over Jake's house
Last time you thought you were going to die
Last magazine you subscribed to
Electronic Gaming Monthly
Last time you signed an autograph
I signed one for Scott at IWS
Last time you felt out of place
Talking to girls
Last fight you got in
In middle school
Last video game you played
Matt Hofman Pro BMX
Last time you were arrested
Never, though one time we were filming at the church and a cop told us we couldn't even though we go to the church and said we were filming for the youth group
Last meal you ate
Pork chops with potatoes, vegetables and blue berry muffin
Last time you were inspired
Camp this summer
Last article of clothing you bought
Volcom bathing suit
Last time you felt stupid
All the time
Last time you drove over 120 miles per hour
That's a little too crazy for me
Last time you rode in an ambulance
Last concert you went to
The Juliana Theory and I'm going to see Deftones and CKY on August 3rd
Last thing that changed your life
Being in a rock band
Last good tip someone gave you
Be yourself
Last time you played a "team sport"
3rd grade for Boca Hoops
Last time you felt totally confused
When talking to Nate or Stephen about the band