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Last Words - Stephen Jones - 7/19/01

Last movie you saw
The Score
Last cd you bought
Hum "Heavenward is Downward"
Last time you passed out
Yesterday when I found out were weren't playing a show
Last book you read
Does the latest issue of Modern Bride count I mean I'm reading Moby Dick
Last song you listened to
Hum "Stars"
Last time you woke up not knowing where you were
This morning but it happens quite frequently I mean last week I woke up naked in Djabouti that was pretty wierd
Last time you thought you were going to die
Last time I got in a fight with Meg that and the incident with Mindy I thoght her parents were going to kill me
Last magazine you subscribed to
Seevent I mean Guitar
Last time you signed an autograph
Our first show a litte kid came up to me and asked I thought that was pretty cool I usually don't give autographs
Last time you felt out of place
Well I went to this black panther meeting and man
Last fight you got in
Probably either with Nate, Matt or Meg possibly Mindy
Last video game you played
Gran Turismo 3
Last time you were arrested
3 maybe four hours ago
Last meal you ate
I can't remember
Last time you were inspired
Last night I felt inspired by God
Last time you felt stupid
Never happens
Last time you drove over 120 miles per hour
With Ross on the way to Final Fantasy
Last time you rode in an ambulance
When I got in my knife fight in Mexico
Last concert you went to
Last thing that changed your life
Youth Camp in Bradington
Last good tip someone gave you
Matt aim low that way you can't be disappointed
Last time you played a "team sport"
UA Nut Ball
Last time you felt totally confused
Last time I talked to a girl