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Name Megan Colucci
IM meno1c
Birthdate 12/03/84
Position in the band Manager
Favorite U.A. Song In My Dreams
Favorite Bands Of course there is no one else but Underachevrs! cause you are dead sexy!
Favorite Song (lately) I think in my dreams since it is dedicated to me!
Influences God, and some close friends
Marital Status Single
Hobbies Cheerleading, Hanging out with you and other friends
Being with you all!
Dislikes Being without you all!
Favorite Movies Steel Magnolias, Beaches, and a bunch more!
Favorite TV Show I really dont have one
Favorite Food Spagetti
Favorite Place Any where you guys are!
Favorite Drink Sprite
Favorite Book Atonment Child
Favorite Serial I really dont have one
Favorite Video Game I do not play video games...sorry
Favorite Magazine None