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Name Mark Heckman
Birthdate 7/03/84
IM valuepac311
Use in the band Soccer coach, amp pusher
Favorite U.A. Song I prefer Check Judy
Favorite Bands Stabbing Westward, Embodyment, but most of the Underachevrs
Hobbies Soccer, hanging out with friends
Likes I like girls with blonde hair and brown hair and blue eyes............ o yah and I like bacon too........, but not at the same time as girls....... I like girls then aside from that I like bacon but equally as much
Dislikes Mustard that crap sux
Influences God, family, friends......... o yah and drug dealers
Marital Status Single
Favorite Movies Gone in 60, blade, matrix
Favorite TV Show Simpsons, teletubbies....ummm I mean
Favorite Food I like baccon
Favorite Place New Hampshire
Favorite Drink I like Dr.Pepper
Favorite Book I can't read
Favorite Serial I enjoy pop tarts that aren't toasted
Favorite Video Game Syphon Filter or Driver 2
Favorite Greg Motte Quote ACK!!
Favorite Magazine Playb....... umm yah so what I meant to say was supercars