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Shut Up
Style - nerd rock

Why do I try why do I even care
Did you ever get around to shutting up
I can't take it anymore
It's driving me insane
I don't like you I don't think I ever will
I don't want to listen to you anymore
Stop talking to me shut up

Please God help me
I can't do this on my own
Why can't you just shut up

Did you ever take the time to
Think about what your saying
Your hypocricy overwhelms me
I stopped listening long ago
Your voice hurts my ears
Please God help me

Please God help me
I can't do this on my own
Why can't you just shut up

I can't take it anymore
Your making a fool out of yourself
I'm sick and tired of it all
Your so wrong
Your so wrong
Your so wrong
Just stop

Please God help me
I can't do this on my own
Why can't you just shut up

© 2000

This song is about someone who's coming down on you about your faith. Or someone who's just coming down on you, and your just so frustrated. You want to grab and yell shut up in their face, and you cry out to God to help you control yourself. Contrary to popular belief it doesn't tell God to shut up.