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The Tempermental Man
Style - old school punk / gutter punk

I'm out of control
I'm going to break somebody's head
You piss me off
I'll crush you
I'll beat you without a second thought
You look at me wrong
I'll break your legs
I'm angry at everything and everyone

I want you spitting blood

If you want to test me
I'll kick you in the head
I'll bash your ugly face in
When you see me on the street
You better get out of the way
I'll snap you in half

I want you spitting blood

I'm all big and bad
But the way I act is really just a cry for help
Help me Jesus (50X)

© 1999

This is one of the old bands songs and we don't play it anymore. It's one of our more contraversial songs (due to it's strong content). It's about a tough guy who thinks the whole world should tremble at the sound of his name. Though underneath all that he's crying out for help, he's unfullfilled and he has a void in his life.