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Here are some press clippings regarding the site.

Ottawa Citizen (June 1, 2001)

National Post (June 7, 2001)

The Globe & Mail

Other press sightings/interviews include:

All in A Day (CBC Ottawa)
Al Stafford Show (CHED 630 AM Edmonton)
Brockville Intelligencer
CFOX FM (Vancouver)
Cranbrook Daily Townsman
Crash & Pepper Show (104.9 XFM Vancouver)
Daily Herald Tribune
Halifax Daily News
Humble & Fred Show (AM 640 Toronto)
John Gormley Live (CKOM Saskatoon)
Peter Warren Show Listen to the interview!
The Georgia Straight
Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal
Stratford Beacon Herald
VOCM Radio (Newfoundland)
101.1 XFM Ottawa

I've had two people say they read about the site in Sports Illustrated -- can anybody verify this for me?

If you've read about this site in your local paper or heard about it on radio, please let me know!

All media inquiries should directed to Marla Ratner, Principato/Young, (212) 603-1842