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Picture o' the week!

Canada's old queen Victoria, perhaps one of the meanest and most hypocritical monarchs. Try not to look directly at the picture since it might turn you to stone. Yuck! Looks like she came down with a bad case of truck...Seriously though, $20 says the woman was covered in scars from 10-foot poles...Looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...When she tried joining an ugly contest, they said, "Sorry, no professionals!"

I could go on...anyway here are some of the old bags' more memorable doozies:

"The Queen is most anxious to enlist everyone in checking this mad, wicked folly of `Women's Rights.' It is a subject which makes the Queen so furious that she cannot contain herself."

"I positively think those ladies who are always enceinte [pregnant] quite disgusting; it is more like a rabbit or guinea-pig than anything else and really it is not very nice."
-- This from the woman who had 9 children in 18 years...

"I have no adoration for very little ugly baby is a very nasty object, and the prettiest is frightful when undressed." -- Yeah, she should talk...I can't think of anything nastier than ole Vicky naked...