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Babel:They Don't Have Meetings About Rainbows

Bruises, Scars, and Blood

17 paintings, 8"x10" acrylic on wood


The potency of words. They can bruise, scar, cut to the bone. Mean what you say.

John Waters, the filmmaker, once gave a talk to a group of prisoners. He told them to get into the arts. People create...express themselves in words, paintings, film, music, theater, even make plastic milk carton birdfeeders...so they don't end up in prison. Good advice. So go make something!

Rebecca A. Barrington

Creatrix of the LuLu Paintings

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All images shown on this website are copyright 2000 by Rebecca A. Barrington. Any use is forbidden without written permission from Rebecca A. Barrington.All Rights Reserved.

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