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LuLu...Key to Heaven

Key To Heaven...St Peter the Gatekeeper

This is St. Peter. He is the person who lets you into Heaven, or not. He has a BIG key. He looks like he is made out of wood but he is really a giant candle 16” tall!

I just thought he was a cool old dude with an enormous key. I love his key. It gives me high hopes.

Peter in Greek is Petros which means rock. “On this rock I will build my church.”-Jesus He was crucified in A.D. 65 Location of his bones is under the high altar of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Rome (announced in 1950) The Pope authenticated the bones in 1968.

I burnt a bit of the candle then decided to keep him whole. He’s a great old piece that originally belonged to my aunt.

Buyer to add shipping/handling of $8.00 plus postal insurance for $2.20. He is heavy!

Thank you for looking.