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Crissy's Bio, a lovely thing

Crissy's Many Forms

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A "hyper-link" could go here

An Intro To Crissy-dom

An Overview

THIS IS MY BABY! I love this boy beyond reason, silly as I am, and I think the WORLD should love him too! (Maybe it's something about the green hair?!) PLEASE read all about this boy and try not to be too disgusted at the things my sick mind can come up with...

Crissy is the leader of what I like to refer to as Chaeya's Minions. He was brought from the lovely future, sweet little boy, along with his twin sister, Sonnie. Actually when they were genetically created, they were meant to only be one person but don't tell anyone, okay?

So browse around, become brainwashed and please have a crush on Crissy like most of my friends at school do, mkay? Not too hard. :) *grin* I should have my written stuff put up pretty soon, so there we go. That'll be fine.

Crissy is my little baby and if you have ANY problem at all with homosexuals I suggest

you leave NOW. under penalty of DEATH.