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Memorium to Kyle/ChianasPet

Kyle, a.k.a. ChianasPet, passed away January 16th peacefully in his sleep, due to various complications. He was an incredible person, and we will all miss him terribly. He leaves behind a grieving wife, Danielle, and good friend, Becky, as well as many, many friends. This was a man of incredible integrity and happiness, and I feel it my honest duty to post this tribute to him. In the short time I knew him, it was a joy. It is so difficult to believe a man full of such life could be claimed by death so quickly. I only wish that this time could have been longer. Please visit his website at and make a donation to his grieving wife who is having some financial difficulties to pay for his funeral arrangements. Any contributions would be appreciated greatly by his family as well as his many friends. I can only convey my honest grief and shock at hearing this truly devastating news and nothing more. Kyle was a great man. He brought joy to others, and I believe that is the greatest thing anyone could possibly accomplish in one's life. Rest in peace and happiness, Kyle, and may the skies envelop you and lift you up. The tears we shed shall not be enough to pay for your loss.
Kyle, our friend, we miss you.