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Rob Thomas Quotes

"You can spit-shine me all you want, but I'll still be the same old piece of tin."
"The world is a scary place sometimes, but it's worth it."
"I'm not one of those people who suffers for his art-it's more like I'd be suffering without it. Writing songs is almost medicinal for me; it's the best therapy I can think of."
"In the grand scheme of all the bad things in the world that can happen, a little white lie is nothing if it spares a little embarrassment, as long as it doesn't get out of hand."
"I think we get up there and try as honestly as we can to convey the songs as energetically and heartfelt as we can."
"I'm singing and I'm trying to make sure I'm not sounding like crap, and I look up, and it really hit me, I mean, that's Santana and he's really in there, we're playing together, we're jamming right now, and I just freaked out, you know? And then, right at that second, Santana looks at me and he [nods] and I'm like, in heaven."
"These are our songs, and we feel really good about them. I don't think we try and put dramatics into it, but after a show, when we're just talking to people, they'll tell us, 'You know, you were so into it, that was just intense to watch' to us, we were just playing the songs and losing ourselves in them. It's like, if you come to a rehearsal, you're gonna see the same thing. It's not something we can help, really."