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*xXRob's DiaryXx*

1/??/01 Dear Diary: I'm so tired! What with all this getting onstage making myself all sweaty and erm...nighttime activities I can't seem to keep up with myself! I mean, how can you expect a man like me to do all this sh*t and still remember his own lyrics. I think maybe I'll just make up new lyrics to..what is it? "If You're Here" or something?? Oh I'm so f*ckin bored diary and tired too. Some crazed fan threw a f*cking golf ball and it hit me in the head. What will my adoring fans say when they see this goose-egg I've got? I really think we should rename the band. ROB or something like that. Maybe The Rob Thomas Band. Yeah, I like that. After all, I'm the important one! Good golly! That Adam. He really gets my goose. This morning I woke up and I was all done up in makeup and stuff. Ugh. That Adam. He'll cause our breakup mind you. I read that issue of Revolver that had my picture in it. Huh. Disturbing portrait indeed. I liked it. I thought it was cute. I'm just gonna go hunt them down and have my mafia buddies kill them. Oh never mind. No I'm not. I'm going to go to sleep. Love, Rob