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Muah hah hah!!!! And now, for ME! THE ALL IMPORTANT


all right, all right...not really ;) but here we go folks, a bit about the creator of this site and of Lady Lemure and her Minions (well, all except Coemgen)

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Name: Katie
Age: 16
Favorite Band: Need you ask?! Matchbox 20!!!!
Favorite Song (s): ALL OF THEM!!!! (By Matchbox 20, of course!)
Favorite TV show: Need you ask?! The Invisible Man on SciFi
Birthday: December 1st!
AOL Screenname: CrissyJayde
Favorite Quotes: See quotes section!
and now some more about me! I hate school !!!! ARGH! school sucks beyond everything. But i do enjoy all sorts of music, from Fuel's "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" to Bon Jovi to the Goo Goo Dolls and lots of stuff in between. I am an aspiring artist and author and i plan to go to college studying The Arts with minors in Mass Communications (hey, I wanna be a DJ too!!) and English. I live in boring Indiana but am anxiously awaiting the March 6 Matchbox 20 show which i plan to attend! I'm SOOOO excited! During my spare time I enjoy fooling around on the Internet, writing lyrics, (see "Lyrics" page) and playing fife, acoustic guitar (not very well yet) and trumpet. I do a lot of drawing and writing but haven't been doing too much writing lately and hope to soon finish my REALLY Long Darien Fawkes Fanfic!

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