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The Band
How They Met
When Luke moved to Ohio, he decided he wanted to play football, as he had in Indiana. Two weeks before school started, football practice started. Luke met Petey playing football, and talked to him during water breaks and drills. They didn't have many classes together when they started school, but were still friends.

Matt and Petey had lived in Aurora for a long time, and kinda knew each other. They knew each other in a vague way, and were indifferent towards each other.

Matt and Luke, however, became friends. Matt sat next to Luke in band, as they played the trumpet. Luke talked to other people in band class, but Matt the most. They became better and better friends, and they realized that they lived down the street from each other.

Shifty knows Petey and Luke from football. Luke played tackle next to him in 7th grade, and they formed a friendship. Petey played other positions, but both guys were loud in practice, and knew each other well. Shifty knew Matt from band, where he played the Tuba, and Matt played a row ahead of him with the trumpet.

All in all, they are pretty good friends. Petey and Matt often fight, but they put up with each other, and are starting to become friends. Adding some humor to the band, Shifty often lightens the mood. They hope to become better friends(and better musicians), as this new band emerges from the ground.

Current News

ETCpracticed again, with the same members as the last one. Basically the same songs were played as before, and Luke was still on vacation. It went pretty well, and it seemed like everyone had really practiced the songs. There was a moment when Petey suggested that they play Sugger-Pie, Honey Bunch, but that was quickly shot down. They also are looking for a keyboard player for a few older cover songs.


Orionhad another practice. The members present: Shifty, Petey, Alex. Luke was on vacation. They went to Alex' house, where his dad had a drum set that Petey could play on. They rehearsed several songs, including: Californication and Otherside both by Red Hot Chili Peppers. They also decided that they would change their name from "Orion" to "ETC". The name ETC was originally thought of, because the band plays so many different kinds of music. They wrote Luke, and he agreed quickly. ETC also will be playing Californication at their schools final 'talent show'. They practiced the song several times, and still have more practices to go...


Orionhas had their first practice today. The members present were: Luke, Matt, Shifty. Petey was... somewhere. They went over a new song they had created, and edited the different guitar parts. Alex worked on the dynamics of the song and how he would sing it, with Matt showing him how he thought it would go. They practiced for an hour at Luke's house and then packed it up.


Okay, it is final. Orion has a lead singer! (Click here for more information on the new front man) After a long talk with Luke , and after looking over this site, he decided that this was the band he wanted to join. He brings lyrics, humor, and the all-important vocals that define a band, and tell the story. He also brings new ideas, and ways to make the band better, and brighter! Til next time.


Since Luke decided he would not be the lead singer for the band, they have been scrambling to find a front man. As of this moment, the band is in the process of signing a lead singer, Shifty , to front the band. They have to touch a few bases (excuse us if that sounds a tad fruity) before they can tie something down. Hopefully, they will have it worked out By March 8th. That's it for right now, we are adding to the site daily, so we hope to have it fully-functional in a couple days. 'Til then, see ya!


As far as the current news, there is little. Luke is slowly learning the bass, and had two parts written already. He decided, with the rest of the band, that he would not be the front man of Orion. He doesn't think that it would be wise to do that right now, but maybe in a few years, he will work up the nerve to do it.