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We're not psycho, really
The Baron. 8% beer of pure joy. Beware.
We got drunk and took lots of photos. hmmmm....
These are Herlzs buddies from the Nanyang University days
Cool guys. They know how to drink too. We had a tri-nations challenge. Singapore vs Australia vs the UN. This is how we felt at the end of it.
Tasty Durian fruit. Comes in iceblock form as well. Yummy.
Herlz enjoying the Singaporean buffet steamboat. Up there for best meal we had in Asia.
More of Herlz's Uni buddies. All cool people, very hospitable.
Back to the drinking photos I guess...
Prentending they're intelligent
Foosball showdown after steamboat dinner.
Sitting around one of the best meals of all time
This is what happens when you eat like a horse then drink Barons like a fish. Go Vincent!
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Meeting people at trainstop
Cutting some Australian style on the streets.
