7-26-03 I've noticed that when people don't update for awhile they immediately apologize. Well, I've been hella-fuckin' crazy busy, so I find no need for that. I will however make some apologies for not having made y'all more awares of the play we're doin' down in Chattlanta. It's called Polaroid Stories and (though I probably don't have to tell Holly this, because she seemily has read every play in the universe), it's based on the Metamorphoses and set in drug-addled slum-derworld New York. It's an epic play at 3 hours but it uses those hours exceptionally. The last three shows play Thursday 31 July, Friday August 1 and Saturday August 2. It's only $6, and Massive Attack and Tricky provide the soundtrack. Hope there are some Ridgers out there who wants to seeess it. Also, after the show I should be comin' back to the Ridge at some point. Let you know when plans solidified are.
7-07-03 Hee......
7-06-03 My late night phone call last night (this morning) was quite a cool thing. Thanks, folks. If for any ubelievable and unforseeable reason BT might be reading this, sorry if we couldn't hear each other too well. I wish I coulda said more than small-talk, but whatever, yo. Thanks for the hip-hop hizzelphonizzl.
6-29-03 Charts, yo.
6-29-03 Horny satanic Polak , Oh my!
6-29-03 So yeah, we're in like, everyone of these pictures. All this and more at Fiction's website. Rock.
6-26-03 Uberzone Drop the Tone. Dj RAP.......danced with us and then blew our minds right out. Slink was also way cool. We talked for awhile about music and stuff, which was cool. Chuck actually got to tell him the infamous Speed Freeks and being pulled over-James Brown-story. History, folks. It need never be uttered again, but no doubt will be. Anyway, Slink and Uberzone had very similar sets, which was actually pretty cool. The same two Underworld tracks were played by both of them. So we heard Underworld four times. That's pretty neat. I didn't actually mind it. Nor was it a problem that Slink dropped Music Takes You twice. It was more than satisfying to hear We Want Your Soul out and about. Made me happy. Been likin' that one for awhile. Then, of course, after Ubie, DJ Rap went on and played this merciless hardcore tech-steppie DnB rinseout thing that just had us all begging for more. It was great. Haven't heard good DnB in awhile. She danced with us during Uberzone. That's hella-cool. We touched her.....she touched us...I can't take a joke...hella-cool. Anyways, my favorite songs from Ubie and Slink's sets were Lovers not Fighters, Who Wants Some, Marscruiser, endless Underworld, We Want Your Soul, Plumps, Uberzone craziness, Percussive Thinking, and lots more. It was a low-end bass driven dirty fuckin' night. Best party in ages. Thanks, God (or benevolent deity of my choice)
6-16-03 Oh, and if it turns out I was wrong, then I won't be upset at all. That would be even better.
6-16-03 Looking over the last thing Keiran said, I must say that my answer to "why should you care what people think/or Fuck em Fuck em up their stupid asses" is, that I don't want anything to come between me and my friends. I don't want any bitterness or hatred, and I fear that there is some, somewhere. And that troubles me. And when all I get from some people is the cold shoulder when my girlfriend is brought up, or I try and bring her up, I wonder why. I just don't want this shit to happen. It doesn't have to. And it is getting better. But it eats away at me that anyone would think that Jess is bad for me. Just because I'm biased towards her doesn't mean I'm blind and stupid. I didn't wait as long as I did to pick someone I didn't think was right for me. And she makes me very happy, and it'd be a shame if there was anybody I cared about out there that couldn't see that, or worse, didn't want to see that.
6-16-03 Also, I know the nature of the post below might seemingly be directed towards the whole group, and that's unfair. It's simply directed towards anyone who may have said or gotten into their head those two things that are, in my mind, completely absurd. I know lately the blog hasn't been the best place for this particular rigamorole, but I can't not write about this. My journal is here for me to put what's really in my head right down. And I need to get this out of my system while trying to dispell what for all I know are attitudes being spread. Hell, I don't know exactly what everybody thinks, and that's my fault, but we can just file that under "been too shy to ask" and get on with it. I'm sorry for anyone this may offend, but for those of you out there telling me that it looks an awful lot like 'that girl is a bad influence on you' I think since I've had more than one person tell me the exact same thing, I can safely talk about this in the public forum. But seriously, I don't want hard feelings.
6-16-03 Heh. Well thanks Keiran and Bass for the advice there. I wasn't trying to say that everybody and their mother is talking shit 'bout my girl. I'm responding to two specific things: 1) There are some bad feelings about me being away for the summer that I guess are starting to fade away. I never got to explain why I wasn't gonna be here, because I was afraid it was cause more drama. But I think I have the right to tell people why I've made that choice, instead of just sitting by while some people act or think as if I was manipulated or forced by my girlfriend, as if I didn't decide to do it myself. I'm not sure if anyone has said such or thinks such, but I have some cause to believe that's a possibility, and it eats at me a tittle bit(funny typo, I'll let it go). 2) There are those who think Jess had some influence on my having had a couple of cigarettes in the past. Sorry folks, it was my stupid ass decision, one I'm not alone in the world in making. She had nothing to do with it, and I'm highly offended to hear that she did. Cause that's bullshit. Those of you who weren't there and think so should fucking hold off on passing judgment about shit you DON'T KNOW. I don't want to stir any flames, but that shit has got to be said, and in public, where people will hear me loud and clear without shouting me down and telling me I'm full of shit. That's all. I ain't tryin' to start something. And as far as I'm concerned this is all that need be said. I don't want anyone getting offended, but I think I had every right to be offended by that particular accusation against my girlfriend. What kind of person would I be if I didn't defend her to the best of my ability. Especially when what I've got to say is true. Later
6-15-03 Ok, here's something that I more or less knew was brewing, but was unsure as of how to approach it. I understand of course, that there are probably some harsh feelings floating aroudn because I'm staying in Chatt for the summer. I don't want bad feelings to percolate, and I would hope that for the most part, they've subsided. With that said I wish not to bring up downer notes. But I want to make a very clear, definitive point here that I hope will settle some misconceptions. Maybe it won't. Maybe there's nothing I can say to make people realize that I'm not some babychild that can't make my own fucking decisions, but I have to speak my case, and defend my girlfriend, because she doesn't deserve to be spoken of our thought of in this way (and I've had these feelings expressed to me, I've not merely inferred them). Now, first off, I want to point out that Holly has made none of these remarks to me. Earlier on, she was unfairly singled out for spreading bad vibes she never spread in the first place, and that was unfair, and I apologize for any responsiblity I held on that one. Holly's not in any way shape or form responsible for this post, so nobody get the wrong idea. What I'm talking about here is all the badmouthing I've become aware of, of Jess. Got news for you, folks, if I didn't want to stay in Chatt. this summer, I wouldn't. She didn't force me. We both want to be together, and I wanted to do two plays so I could be involved in the last Dreaming Experiment shows. I've never worked one, and now's my last chance. I still have a bunch of shit I can only work out in Chatt (regarding Czech Republic stuff), but besides all that, I'm going to be a much more active person down there. Simple as that. Here's the deal: Jess is graduating next year. She's going to summer stock next summer. I leave for the Czech Republic, come back in the Spring, get three more months, and then she's gone. I don't know what's going to happen after that, and I'll forego a million wasted summers in Oak Ridge to be with the person I love. The only thing that makes that hard for me is all of you, so please don't make it easier for me. I would hope that things are cool between me and the monkeys. However, if people think I'm going to sit around complacently while other people make judgements about things they don't know enough about then people are dead wrong. Regarding certain more recent juvenile behaviour on my part, I've heard that people see this very one-sided melodramatic story that I've been peer-pressured by my girlfriend into something very bad for my health. Come on, folks, grow up. Your beef is with me, not her. I'm touched at everyone's concern for my well-being, but I am not one whit concerned for anyone's paranoid, delusional, bitter, and frankly mean-spirited scapegoating. I'm setting the record straight now: What I do, I do on my OWN volition. God himself couldn't get me drunk, and you guys know that for a plain fact. I can't make anyone like Jess Kenyon, and sadly some of you don't seem to want to know Jess Kenyon, and I can't change that one bit. But she's my girlfriend, and everyone would do well to get used to it. It ain't gonna change. I still love you all, and will be back as much as I can to see you. Though the last few months might imply I've forgotten about you, don't let that fool you. Just don't make it hard for me, that's all I ask. I can't make anyone like anybody, but I can ask people to prepare themselves for change. The only changes I'll ever make to myself are the changes I deem fit. What you will begin to see, if you are interested, is parts of me that heretofore were unbeknownst to you. You may or may not like them. If Jess has helped me get there, it has simply been through her dedication to me, and her need to see me respect and trust my own judgment. But she doesn't make decisions for me, so now I guess those of you whom take issue with her, and I know it's not even most of you who do, are going to have to find new reasons to disapprove. When you run out, I'll be glad to introduce you to my girlfriend. Her name is Jess Kenyon, she likes Pedro The Lion, Radiohead, Pixar, theatre, set designing, painting, cutting hair, reading every damn thing in sight and forgetting none of what she reads, Chicago Illinois, cooking, back rubs, The Anniversary Party, John C Reilly, and Super Mario World, to name a few. And she's as smart as anyone we'll ever know. And I may be biased, but I knew that a long time ago. Take heed, folks, you're missing out.
6-10-03 Looking at Holly's list of IMDB links, I was yet again reminded of how every damn thing is an adaptation or "inspired by" or a remake. They already made a Punisher film. It sucked ass. It will suck ass again, probably. Truffaut already made Fahrenheit 451, and it was his interpretation, and it worked. They don't have to do it again, because the book takes less time to read than it would to watch the movie, and it fuckin' rocks. Used to be there was a lot of real [Keyword]writing[/Keyword] going on. Sure, books and comic books have always made good movies, but think about Superman, Batman, Shawshank, Schindler's List, endless fuckin' etc. They were made by people with an attitude and a vision about that material. Tim Burton's Batman is like no other version that will ever be made. Think of the great movies that have come from scratch. And think of comic book movies today. Even the good ones (X-Men) are a given. There'll be new Marvel movie every year until Fantastic Four signals the demise of this redundancy. Hulk is gonna suck, simply because it's pretty clear that the only reason it was made was because Spidey (which still bores the ass off of me) was a huge hit, and now Marvel movies are big. Hey, they might be ok movies (I want to see Daredevil. It looks much better than the Hulk), but I feel not a single glimmer of excitement for what has become assembly line material, albeiet with the case of X-Men, high quality assembly line material. Assembly line material in the sense that somewhere some exec feels it MUST happen, because there is a market for it. There hadn't been a market for Batman in years before Tim Burton's came out. Pardon me for being excited when studios and filmmakers take RISKS with their projects. Productions that do so, have a soul. Over and out, Lazy Rider.
6-10-03 ....Ok......Hrm....This is fucked up. Ok. I must collect myself. Here goes: Scott Mosier and Kevin Smith are the producers of the Preacher film. That is an inconvtraverible good sign of reverence to the material. If anyone is willing to buck the blasphemy, it's those two. But, Jesus McGillicuddy Christ.....You guys gotta help find someone else. And NOT AFFLECK! NOT DAMON! Make Al Pacino young again or something. Godfather time. That's all I can think of, and even if he was young, it probably wouldn't work. Lee Marvin is dead, so who will play the Saint? I am suddenly speechless again.....*sob*...
6-10-03 Ok. Fuck that. No. Not a fuckin' chance. No! FUCK! I knew the name James Marsden sounded familiar! Well, I don't want that pretty-boy wannabe cheese-eatin' motherfuckin' made-for-tv motherfucker playing the badass of the badasses! No! Sorry, but he ain't Jesse Custer. He's Cyclops, and judging by the wooden-ness of that performance he just ain' fuckin' right. Word to the fuckin' producer's mothers: Jesse Custer is a tall drink of fuckin' hard-ass water. He's a chain-smokin' word a God conservin' Tulip-boinkin' Bar-fighting God-Ball squeezing not-your-father's-messiah Sunuvabitch! And James Marsden ain't. GRRRRRRR...... Keep your red visor on, Geordi, you ain't the man!
6-10-03 Signing off from hotmail, I read out of the corner of my eye a link that said "Kate Winslet Ties Knot" I swore for a second that it had read "Kate Winslet Dies Hot" I got up too early this morning....
6-10-03 Hrmm... I am speechless....Should I cry or should I pray? Well, heh...both would be inappropriate considering the subject matter.
5-29-03 Yippee! Go shortee, it's ya birfday, we gunna party like it's your birfday......Congratulations, Melinda. Thanks for bein' the first to ever watch Transformers The Movie with me. Best of wishes, lotsa love, etc....Just in case you were still wondering, my email addy is Plaid_Avenger@hotmail.com. There's a mailto link at the bottom of this page. Aiight....
5-28-03 Oh, and I knew all that shit before I read the talkbacks. Just so there's no cognitive dissonance.
5-28-03 Aside from the inherent disaster a Garfield movie will be, there is a certain metaphysical symmetry alive in the casting of Bill Murray as the voice of Uber-Stripe. Get this: Bill Murray, of course, all but started his big-movie run with Ghostbusters as the cynical, wiley Peter Venkmen. Then, in the cartoon version The Real Ghostbusters, Peter Venkmen was voiced by Lorenzo Music. Lorenzo (me and obscure mid-eighties cartoon voiceover artists are always on a first-name basis), of course also voiced, definitively, the animated version of the fat-ass cat we all know and love. Now Bill Murray has completed the Ghostbusters/Garfield LiveAction to Cartoon-Cartoon to LiveAction circle. And Gaia sleeps soundly in the harmony of balance in life. Right...
5-22-03 Happy Belated 22nd there, Chuck! You need a steak dinner or a beer or something. I can't believe you got nothing....that sucks....Anyways, just reporting to you folks real quick from the dusty lands of my brain. I wanted to pass along some info to y'all from Holly. Her original returning flight was cancelled, so those of us predisposed to the knowledge of her June 15th return, should re-educate ourselves and glean her new arrival as June 16th. So, it's just one more day for all of us. Anyways, her flight gets into KnoxVegas at 3pm ON JUNE 16TH, and there should definetely be a group of us there on her arrival. That's all, my chilluns. Later
5-13-03 Coming soon: A list of rare movies I can't find and haven't seen. Jodorowsky of "HOly BLOOD! HOLY Blood!" fame will be included. Pr'olly at the top of the list....
5-13-03 Thanks, Sister Stephany! Good to hear from you. Josh is having trouble with your email address. You should email me at Plaid_Avenger@hotmail.com (too lazy to do the mailto link) And I'll forward it to him. It was great to hear from you. I hope I get to stay with you someday for a week or something. Hello, Stephen, if you're reading this. See? I made a whole post without any fucking swearing at all. That's quite the stunning FUCK accomplishment. Love you guys. G'buy.
5-7-03 'Bout fuckin' time. ANyways, Happy Birthday, Rhys! And all other respective May 7thers out there (There are a few, including me mum...must celebrate her birthday now) Later!
4-26-03 Yep! Rhys won. For sheer humourous bastardry. I think he'll probably infiltrate my site about once yearly. Just seems like somethin' that the fates have deemed necessary. Also, Jess won for being shrewdly funny. And for being absolutely right on the matter(well, I dunno about the dogs...maybe...yeah..definetely....)
4-26-03 Chrrriisst@! Too much....just simply too much!
4-26-03 I am about to fucking freak out. Wow......Gonna breathe now......Rhys, I'm sorry I was a bitch...Holly, I'm sorry I was a bitch....Nick I hope your stay at MIT was fruitful, if not edifying and well, fine, I'll say it, OrGasmic. In any case, HOlllyyy.....Pleaaaaaasssssee come home.....we misss you and don't want the damn Germans to take you avayyy.....
4-16-03 That's fucking enough, already, Rhys. LOG OUT. I'm sick of fucking changing this everyday.
4-15-03 hardy Har, and whatnot, but please LOG OUT, RHys! Aiight? It's all verrrrrry amusing, but blarg! Anyways.....Holly, your possible involvement with shadowy world manipulators strikes me as typical. God....Dear, can you just get yourself involved in something interesting for a change? ;)
4-13-03 Just to clarify: The Second post on 4-11-03 (the One where I recant my love of Possession. NEVER! NEVER, I SAY!), was what Rhys posted, and the first is mine own. There. Damn you, Rhys and your bast-mann-ardly blog rapings! I bite my thumb at thee! And then, I hurl pan-and-scanned used copies of Possession by the truckload. Woe to thee who blights the name of the carefully hairy Aaron Eckhard! Woe! I mean, dude, he's in The Core, so he's gotta be good. Neil LaBute films apparently nairy a star do make....but Possession is a lot cooler than most can at first see, methinks.....
4-13-03 God, I miss DJing......
4-13-03 Yep. So anyway, I left myself logged into Angelfire on Rhys' computer. That'll teach me. ;) All LIes! Lies!
4-11-03 Hey all! I'm back yet again! To just as much my suprise as yours! First off I would like to say that I've been kidding all this time, and I really do think Possession was a horrible movie(ask Rhys). Moving on, I'm sorry the Bt pic has been up for so long, but it's only because you fuckers aren't funny any more and i can't find a winner(actually, I think Rhys won with his comment awhile back, but I'm also lazy and haven't gotten around to changing it.) I am still unsure of where I'll be staying this summer, but you know how it is when you're getting laid regularly; it's hard to turn that down. Thus I may just stay down here and do that for awhile 'cause god knows i'm not gonna be getting laid in the Brno with our current foreign policy. Anyway gotta run for the show, but just so all of you know, if I don't update at least once a week before my birthday, I'll take a shot for each week I've missed. Peace out.
4-11-03 Hey all! I'm back from the land of the laid.....I mean the theatre department of course....anyways, I just realized my page is festering! FESTERING, I say! This can't happen, and when I have interweb access more regularly and am not a lazy mother bitch, I'll take advantage of this again. My how the times change! Anyways, the Rosie and Guildie show is going well here. Things came together and our company is rockin' it out. Whewww! Wasn't sure about it for awhile, but we're doin' justice to the Stoppardly Tom, rest assured. I'm in the midst of getting my shit together for my trip to the Czech Republic, and am also trying to figure out if I'm stayin' in Chatt or coming back to the Ridge. Don't know yet, but I'll keep y'all posted. Take care, word to your mothers, peace out for Da '99! Also, I'm in a scene from an Athol Fugard play, and I'm not wearing blackface! Bonus!
3-28-03 Oh Fuck! FUCK ME! Fuckity Yes Oh Fuckin' God hell yeah Ballla WOOT Rox0r! FUCKIN' Hell MCmUthaFukin! YeaH! AIight! Yep! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yeah. Take that George Lucas. Best link ever. BEST. EVER. And it appears that the link to my supposed Amazon "Wish List" doesn't go to my actual list. So it appears I'm a Harry Potter and Faith Hill fan. WTF? Stupid Amazon.
3-19-03 What an exceedingly cool pic.....
3-19-03 My Wish List is fuckin' huge. And I am broke and sad....
3-14-03 Here's one for the history books!
You don't belong in Hell. Sorry.
probably fucking lied or cheated. Fucker.
Why Will You Go To Hell?
brought to you by Quizilla
Gay Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
3-11-03 I refuse to eat at any establishment that serves Freedom Fries. You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me. Goddamn. Think I'll spend the evening reading Truffaut and indulging in the finest cheeses I can get my hands on. Then I'm gonna watch Amelie fuckin' all night long. HOly fuckin' hell. I mean, fuck me, was that an Onion article, or is this shit for real? Come onnnnnnnnn.......
3-11-03 I needed this
3-10-03 Welcome!
3-10-03 Majore update from Holly. And thank you, Jess. I love you.
3-7-03 THank you, Rhys. Thank you.
3-5-03 Yeah! Can I get an Amen?
2-16-03 Holllllly!!! If I scream loud enough will it carry across the Atlantic and take a steep turn south-east? HOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Hrm....Time will tell. Perhaps one's powers of voice-throwing could be exponentially increased by lessons on such, before simply hoping that html can carry one's yodels across the sea. So yeah, by roundabout matter of expression, Hi, Holly! I miss you! Please find the interweb! We want to see pictures! Ppppppleaaasssse!
2-2-03 WHAT?!!
2-1-03 And now, it's time for Google Whacking!. For an explanation of that, check here--------> WHACK!.
2-1-03 Tammany forever, baby!
2-1-03 Here are some brief thoughts on Gangs Of New York, unencumbered by any extensive or exhaustive process, on the part of your humble protagonist, of deriving a critical opinion:
Reactions to Gangs of New York, I believe can best be summed up by these critical snippets:
Roger Ebert:
"The movie is straightforward in its cynicism about democracy at that time."
"The characters in "Gangs of New York" kill because they like to and want to. They are bloodthirsty, and motivated by hate. I think Scorsese liked the heroes of "GoodFellas," "Casino" and "Mean Streets," but I'm not sure he likes this crowd."
Harry Knowles
"Thats my problem with GANGS OF NEW YORK. The Irish Draft Riots from the Civil War Ewell Ethat subplot wasnt given life, so againEI could just care less. INSTEAD Ewe get a film where there is zero significant character development."
Now, aside from ebullient praise for Daniel Day Lewis, this country is ignoring a worthy film like fuckin' crazy. And though it might be hasty of me to use the hefty smatterings of two of my favorite film critics as an example of broad feelings on the film, I found these comments remarkably similar to those that I've heard from everybody who just wasn't happy 'bout it. Well, forgive this rather myopic approach as I explore it, starting with Ebert's misgivings (Though he did in fact love the movie).
Ebert's sole criticism is that the characters in this film are not the Jake Lamottas and Travis Bickles of Scorsese films of old. I suppose people see these characters as cruel, self-serving and cold-blooded. After all, Amsterdam Vallon takes sides and becomes the right-hand man of the murderer of his own father. And he does it to better his own position in the criminal underworld while at the same time plotting his revenge, albeit with a more ambivalent heart. Obvious or inventive as this may be, it's certainly compelling, and I'm sure Ebert would agree with me on that, even if he still believed that Scorsese didn't like these characters, whatever liking the characters has to do with anything.
As for Harry Knowles review, I piss on it, because the Irish Draft Riots make up a small percentage of the film, while the central struggle of the film never lets up. I simply disagree with Knowles that this film has no fire or life. That's the most absurd thing I've heard uttered about a film all year. That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. But finally, the comment that stirred me the most in his review, was the nefarious 'lack of character development' effluvium. What a crock of shit. People who dislike a movie on the grounds that they couldn't find a character to like or 'identify with' inarticulately stumble with a critical cliche used by everyone from Fox News to Michael Medved. The point of a film is not always to have one's need to love a fictional character groped like a Taiwanese whore. And using a fallback like "this film lacked genuine character development" whilst also ennobling the accomplishments of the makers of The Matrix is dishonest and ultimately stupid. Just be honest with yourself, and don't try to use false critical jargon juxtaposed with ridiculous cliches to justify your dissatisfaction with a story you just simply didn't enjoy. You should just say you didn't enjoy it. Don't be a pretentious asshole. If you can't ride the wave of a film, then the fates have determined that the film in question ain't meant for you. I, for one, can loathe the characters in a film as long as that film makes a conscious point of objectively examing the points of view of those characters, instead of wallowing in those values, which is a prime explanation of why I love Gangs Of New York dearly, while I despise another Diaz flick, Very Bad Things to the very bottom of my soul. While GONY examines the values of its time-period, VBT finds the immoral attitudes of its frankly racist and despical characters amusing, and is thus no better than the monsters it finds so funny. That's a reason to hate a film for the creatures that inhabit it. Imagine watching a film about neo-nazis that supports the nazi point of view. If American History X had done so, its talented makers would be out of work deservedly forever. But I digress; Gangs Of New York is ultimately flawed, but it is intense, passionately made, passionately acted by all involved, and it was clearly made with real love, fervor and excitement. A mad dream was made by a mad dreamer. There's room for that in the world. No one can make people love that sort of thing, but perhaps one can beg for the populace to give a film time to grow. For those of you who didn't like the film, watch it again at a different point in your life. Time works wonders.
1-18-03 The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.
1-16-03 To further infuse the point to memory, and in response to updates that are abounding: There is no calumny, or any attempt at such. There is no attempt to badmouth anyone. Seriously. Shit, Jess would probably want to kiss Daria if she met her. And by the way, yes, we did have a goodbye peck that night, as she went around the room and got everyone. Just so everybody knows. And Jess thought it was funny as all hell when I told her. Tis all.
1-16-03 Woah! Holy hell jimbo-bob scheizer! What was a joke between myself and Jess has become a piece of drama that didn't need to be. I better step in, as I've only been aware of this for a few hours and have just now, in the midst of snow and social gatherings, found the time to clear all this up. I think Jess said she was gonna update when she could as well to dispell the misunderstanding. Here's the deal: I liked teasing Jess about Daria having asked me every time I saw her over the break "When did you get hot?" I thought it was really funny, and Jess played it up like she was really jealous. We both had quite the laugh, and then I thought I'd tell her about NYE-E, and the accompanying photography. I got a kick out of this, and so did she, so she thought she'd play back a little bit. And if you don't know her, I can understand why the sarcasm wouldn't be clear. It is, however, sarcasm in its entirety, and Jess meant it to read that way. This is really just an interesting example of how sometimes it's impossible to infer meaning from text without some organic knowledge of the nature of the writer as a pretext. That's what this is, and nothing more. Jess is not being over-possessive, she's just being funny. And that's all it was and is. Hope that clears things up a little. I hope I can come home for your birthday, Holly. I should be hitching a ride with Chuck. Weather must permit! Weather must permit!
1-5-03 In response to the most recent guestbook post, I have but a small rejoinder. Maybe. Since it's impossible to link to a specific guestbook entry, I'll submit the pertinent parts of the text:
In response to your post on 11-08-02 (yeah I know I'm a little behind) Yes, your bitching/argument/hair up your ass might be intelligent, and valid. Even the most anti-voting person on earth can have some incredible insights into polotics. The main problem is that when it really mattered, that person kept his mouth shut. He basicly talked a whole lotta shit, didn't show up for the game, and bitched about the outcome later. Not voting dosn't make your veiws invalid,it just makes you having them a useless gesture. Kinda like jacking off until right before you cum, then puttin' it away and shotting hoops alone for twelve hours. At the end of the day all you've done is play with yourself. If you really give a shit, do something about it, don't just stand with your hand on your cock and expect people to watch in awe.(although I do hear it's impressive)
Now, first things first, I wasn't pulling the hipster/stoner/George Carlin thing and waxing on the "purely symbolic act of voting" (thank you, Waking Life). I believe in the fair and equal expression of self-government coupled with deference to true and earned authority. I believe our leaders should be brighter and more talented than the wad, and myself. I need a guide, as we all do. If you have decent, talented leaders, you'll have decent, talented citizens. If you have mediocre or average leaders (the line between the two dwindling), you have mediocre and average citizens. Common sense, I'd say. It would be hasty for me not to point out the humor in my having laid my balls to the wall and fairly admitting I didn't vote, whilst lamenting said fact, and all the while having left my name in the process. Whereas, yourfriendlyneighborhoodvotingWatchAmAfuck didn't bother to leave theirs. I may have fucked up come election time, but at least I can view my points on the subject without the shield of anonymity. Alllsstt I was sayin' was that we're scrapin' from the bottom of the barrel right now, and that's why we're all too lazy to register. Doesn't matter, I'm getting registered by my birthday at least. By then, hopefully I'll have acquired or will have set myself on the path of acquiring the information I'll need to make a wise decision. By withholding my vote due to my own ignorance on the matter of the candidates, instead of voting some party-line and waving my dick in the wind anyway, methinks I've made the wiser democratic choice. Not as if having a democrat in any of our seats is going to stop the shitrain that's about to ensue. ANyways, happy New Year, peoples.
1-4-03 Suitable for kids? What the fuck?! Tell my night terrors that! OhmDoShiBai OhmDoShiBai OhmDoShiBai.......real update coming soon. Honest.