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October - December 2001 (Carnage, Carnage, Carnage)

12-31-01 Now for a happy post! Joy! Holly's party went off, I had a good time. I guess people weren't in a dancing mood, but I'm glad I got to play so loud that reportedly I could be heard at the filling station down the street. According to Chuck. And that was during Turquoise! Yeeuh. Holly and everybody else is now a B.L.I.M fan. And they damn well should be. Chuck's set was great, lots of pretty stuffs, everyone I talked to said they liked what he was playing, but they just weren't dancers. Go figure. As for my set, well, I was happy with it. I need to learn the art of not sucking on tables as soon as I can. But anyway, the battle was awesome, we both blew shit up and randomed the hell outta the place. So it was all good. He pulled the weirdest punch on me he ever has mixing wise with his first attack. He got back at me for mixing Love Peace and Grease out of Love Peace And Grease last time we battled by setting his record of it at 45rpm and mixing it with Hrvatski (Swedish Elvish Jungle for everyone but Holly). That's ok. I think the battle was a tie, considering he beat me two years ago when we did this. Anyway, gonna party tonight I guess, talk to people and see drunken stuff. Great. That'll be sooooo funny. Yeah.

12-29-01 My Dad is dead. That's about as simple a way to put it as I'll ever find. He died a few years ago. There are no vestiges of joy and hope left in him. Some might think I don't talk about personal things on my page. Sure I do. When people use the keyword 'personal' they are covering up the fact that there is something embarrassing they don't want you to know. My dad's death is personal to me. But it isn't something I'm ashamed of. I've been given a new mission. For years my family has seen my father slip away into a void of infantile self-gratification. I may go into more detail later when I'm more full of articulate speech and thought, and moreover, when I have the intestinal fortitude to lay out my dad's ruin, but for now, I'm going to leave it at my dad had everything he ever worked for taken away from him in one fell swoop, and now he walks dead. He drank himself there, and he watched tv himself there. Simple as that. He nearly killed me and my brother today in the car. His life is over. He has nothing left to live for. I can't watch it anymore, and neither can most of my family. But they don't have to see it everyday. And if we don't all get off our asses, we're going to have to have my father committed to a home or an asylum of some kind before he turns sixty. Anyway, other than all that shit I had a great fuckin' holiday.

12-24-01 Oh yeah, I appreciate the compliment from Shane. A few thoughts on that'n, cuz it's been the topic of some thought recently. I have no problem with the gay joke in and of itself. It's amusing, and there's still some humor left in it. I seem to do a good job of setting myself up for it. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's not, either way, I'd be pissed if it was malicious and boring. It's not. Redundant as it may be getting, it's mostly clever and lighthearted. Sort of a hey, you're a part of the club kidding around sorta joke. Mostly. The only person who's driving it into the ground maliciously is Chuck. He knows it, I know it, we all know it. It's bothering me not because I'm hurt by it, but because I'm annoyed and disturbed by it. He's taking it too far, and it's not friendly or lighthearted anymore. It's vicious. I've been told I have no backbone because I don't do anything about it. What the hell do I do? It doesn't bother me from anyone else but him, and I have no desire to tear him a new one and bitch him out about this. I haven't seen him much this last semester, and quite frankly it's because I started to get about as much of this as I can take. And I don't want to abandon him, because I'm still his friend. I'm not obligated to him in any other way, and I don't want to hurt him. I don't think he realizes how far he's going. Or maybe he does. Whatever. I'm forgiving and patient, not a fucking doormat. And I don't consider it being pushed around, because A) I'm not a fatass, B)I wouldn't be offended even if I was gay. The thought of being homosexual itself is not a mortal offense, and the irony of the joke is that it would die away if I actually was a fairy. So there it is. If something is funny, I recognize it, even if it's directed at me, at my expense. I don't take offense if I recognize the tone of the joke as benign. It's not benign from Chuck anymore, and I don't for the life of me understand why. And I think it would be a shame if it kept on like this. Because if it does, I just won't be around much longer for him to deliver it. Anyway, Merry Christmas.

12-24-01 Chartsy updatedenzy. Merrry Christmas, y'all.

12-17-01 Ok, that was interesting. I ain't ashamed of this, I don't do the code for this page. I use the basic editor because the point of this page can easily be achieved through it. I have no desire to learn web authoring, I just wanna bullshit around. So anywayz, I was tryin' to update, and as I saved, the webshell converted my index page to advanced editor inexplicably and deleted the entire index. So I clicked back, saved everything and that was that. This is the first problem I've encountered so far, so I'z ain't mad, but if you've linked me, update the link. My index is now So there ya go.

12-16-01Again, don't read that unless you seen the Hannibal.

12-13-01 A few things: 1) Hybrid rules. 2)I read my webpage all the time. Simply put, my writing is better than whatever sex must be like. Anyway, I noticed that a few posts down, I capitalized Criterion, but I didn't capitalize Jesus. I guess my priorities are well set. Or maybe not. I dunno, Jesus ain't multi-regional is he? And is he dubbed or subtitled? These are important questions, as no sane person can ever possibly accept salvation from a poorly dubbed savior. It's late. G'night.

12-8-01 Groovy.

12-6-01 Never, ever play guess the password with Rhys. He'll win. Cuz in that strange sorta way he can convince you to rob a condom machine in a gas station, he can kinda get you to help him guess your password. Yeah.

12-5-01 On a serious note, however, I'm comin' home on Friday, and for all y'all Ridgers up in the Ridge, I'll be there to mooch of yez. Not verbally excited right now. So again, g'day.

12-5-01 I have updated. Rhys made me update. This is a weak updated. Fuck the world. G'day.

11-30-01 Well. Fuck. That's all I gotz to say. Whole fuckin' world's against me, Silent Bob.

DJWanaB: Holy bandwidth Batman! I've downloaded 4.1Gigs off of AudioShitacy! Eegah820690903: and is any gig of it worth a fuck? DJWanaB: About half of it. I'd say 1/4 have been live shows etc. Eegah820690903: ah Eegah820690903: that's not unsurprising DJWanaB: Or is it... Eegah820690903: it's not surprising either DJWanaB: Or is it..... Eegah820690903: naked Eegah820690903: i know Eegah820690903: iknow Eegah820690903: get fucked, yo DJWanaB: Or do you..... Eegah820690903: I do DJWanaB: Or do you really..... Eegah820690903: do I? Eegah820690903: yes Eegah820690903: I do Eegah820690903: yes DJWanaB: Do the dew? Eegah820690903: fuck you, jew DJWanaB: Man, I knew you blew. Eegah820690903: bitemyasschuck@you' DJWanaB: Eegah820690903: fuckyourass@manchuckseemstothinkit'sfunnytosayjesselikescockwheninfacthedoesn'tbecausegoddidn'tmakehimthatwaymotherfuckersofuckyouinyourbigstupidass Eegah820690903: bitch DJWanaB: You just can't accept the fact that you're gay. Eegah820690903: grrrrrrrrrrrr DJWanaB: Heh Eegah820690903: It's true....I am gay. Eegah820690903: what the fuck? Eegah820690903: what the fuck ? Eegah820690903: what the fuck? Eegah820690903: what the fuck? DJWanaB: Lol. I can't believe you said that. Eegah820690903: what the fuck Eegah820690903: what Eegah820690903: the Eegah820690903: fuck Eegah820690903: I didn't fuckin' type that you fuckin' spectar! Eegah820690903: whatever the fuck you did, recant it! DJWanaB: If you say man. Eegah820690903: I just like cock...what can I say? DJWanaB: OMFG! Eegah820690903: mothefucker!!!!!! Eegah820690903: I'm gonna have you shaved and RAPED DJWanaB: By whom? Eegah820690903: Me and my GAY POSSE! : godddammit! Eegah820690903: stop that! DJWanaB: I'm not doing anything! Eegah820690903: how the fuck are you doing that? TEll me! Eegah820690903: fuck you you aren't Eegah820690903: you damn well are Eegah820690903: I ain't typin' that shite DJWanaB: THen who is? Eegah820690903: No's me. I just can't admit I love you. DJWanaB: ? Eegah820690903: mothefucker! Eegah820690903: you're so quick to respond to the gay barbs of an evil Eegah! Eegah820690903: but it is not me! Eegah820690903: I swear to tits! DJWanaB: SO who is it? Eegah820690903: YOU, muffugga! DJWanaB: What are you talking about? I can't make you say things. Eegah820690903: well I dunno what the fuck's causing this shit Eegah820690903: I mean, it's some cut and paste shit I'm not privvy to DJWanaB: Could it be that you are really typing those things? Eegah820690903: Yes. DJWanaB: Ooooooook. Eegah820690903: yeah Eegah820690903: admit it DJWanaB: Trying to work yourself up to admitting what you've already admitted to? Eegah820690903: goddddammnnnnn you Eegah820690903: I didn't say that shit DJWanaB: Too late. Eegah820690903: God i love you Charlie. Eegah820690903: every comment that affirmed that I was homosexual was not laid bare in the window of this messenger by my fingers! DJWanaB: Thanks? Eegah820690903: I do not! Eegah820690903: Honestly! DJWanaB: Yeah? Then why not ask someone in the computer lab to read the messages and decide who's saying what.... Eegah820690903: either God is fuckin' with me, or more likely, you've figured out some clever cut and paste and color change method Eegah820690903: and I will explore that possibility henceforth DJWanaB: Riiiight. Eegah820690903: GOD I"M SO AMAZINGLY HOMOSEXUAL!!!!! Eegah820690903: this ends now DJWanaB: Hee hee hee. DJWanaB: Awwwww. DJWanaB: But we were doing so well. Eegah820690903: yeah yeah Eegah820690903: bite the weeny DJWanaB: WHich weeny? Eegah820690903: My tiny half-inch weeny. DJWanaB: ok ok ok. DJWanaB: I'll turn off my "FuckWithJesse"bot. Eegah820690903: ok Eegah820690903: jesus Eegah820690903: why?

11-30-01 Yeah

11-28-01 Scarier

11-28-01 Scary...

11-26-01 Good grief. It's a DVD chrimass, lemme tell ya. There's just way too much out there that I want right now. Here's a list that I can think of with the help of Amazon: MASH, Apocalypse Now Redux, Godfather, The Conversation, Star Wars, Citizen Kane, Close Encounters of The 3rd Kind, and well....jesus, I've been waitin' for the one at the top for a long time, and Criterion, those beautiful bastards, they made the wait worthwhile. Jeebus. It's about time, gawd demmit. There just ain't enough Wagner, screetching women, and stunted film directors in my life right now. Nor is there enough AsA Nisi MASA!

11-15-01 Or well, umm. I guess I'm not spinnin. Ah well.

11-14-01 Yeah, I haven't confirmed with Kayla that I'll be there just yet, but never fear, I'm spinnin.

11-13-01 Rave on the day after Thanksgiving. I be a spinnin. Also , if yez haven't seen The Crying Game, don't read that. It's yet another installment, folks! Yay!

11-12-01Wellll.. It's a start. Maybe.

11-7-01 That's a total lie! Well, I mean, ain't my kid. That's what I mean. Yeah

11-6-01 Heh. I updated my Quotes page because I got another email from the mighty mighty B.L.I.M through his track records website. I don't know if I'm on a mailing list or what, but it looks like I'll get notified whenever a new release from his label comes out. That is so yay. And I quote that humorous little self promotion from the email he sent me.

11-2-01 God dammit!!!! MOFTHERO FGFUJCLKE FUCK!

10-27-01 Words fail me. I have such badass friends. You guys are willing to tough out exhaustion to hear me DJ. I thank you all very sincerely. You guys rock out. This rave was the best yet, and I think I'll quote Bill Murray: "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" Yeah. Here's my set list from last night. It's supposed to be about 9 or 10 songs longer. Maybe cutting me off was for the best, but maybe I won't have to play at five in the frikkin' morning ever again. Hint Hint Hint.

10-25-01 Fuckity Fuck! Go check out the BT article there. I want that breaks sampler more than anything. And I look forwarding to seeing all y'all tommorow night.

10-22-01 heheheh. Andy called me a human twinkie. That's funny. I'm thinking about starting up a new section here, but I'm not sure if I'll have the will. I want to write about movies that have affected me personally. I don't want to be, and am not going to be a film critic. That's real work, and fuck that. All I want to do is sort of have some kind of constructive dialogue with myself about what makes certain films either special to me, or evil to me. And it'll be as simple as that, if I can do it. I would just wish it to be a labor of love, and not some silly, self-indulgent exercise in one's own supposed incite. I ain't looking to impress anybody with this, I just want to write about films I'm passionate about in some way. At the same time though, I want my writing on the subject to be structured and focused, which is why I may not be able to do such a thing properly in this forum. We'll see. If any of you care to, lemme know if that sounds like something you'd like to read, or if I should just stick to the monotony of DJ charts and random shit.

10-17-01 MAaaaan. Go download John Creamer & Stephane K - I Love You (Hybrid's Claustrophobic Mix) right friggin' now. Please. It's for your own good. It took me a few listens to really appreciate it, and I don't know why. I had the chance to buy it twice, and I didn't, but I may now. Oy. It's very different for a Hybrid track, and I quite frankly think it's one of the best they've ever done. It's also the most edgy thing they've ever done. It's dark, it's horny, it's menacing, it's fanfuckintastic. It'll give you goosebumps and shit. So, I think I've bloody well made my point, now haven't I? I better have. Go. Now. DOwnload it. Stopping reading my crap! Life is short! You NEED Hybrid!

10-13-01 Rave on the 26th. I'm gettin' presale tickets hopefully. This could be the coolest gig yet, as it's at the Ballroom, which has a consistant crowd. I hope. Here's some Charty action for yez.

10-11-01 Aww sheeeit. I just got this mail a few minutes ago from Liquid Groove:

"Paul Van Dyk has officially landed in Atlanta about 20 minutes ago for his show tonight. Everything is 100% on! See you there! Last time paul was here in march he played 4.5 hours. Lets see if we can make him play longer! Tickets have been flying out of the stores. We just restocked them the other day. This ones going to be good!"

See you guys later. Heh

10-10-01 Mike left this in my guestbook a month or so ago, and I think it represents an attitude I dearly respect:

La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La penis La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La

10-09-01 Updated. Ho hum..yeah....stuff...PVD...yeah..YEAH. Yeehah! Stuff. Don't ever let me say yeehah again. Please

10-09-01 Good for you, Nick. Way to get steady foreign..yeah... I tried to talk to you when I saw you pop on in AIM one day a few weeks ago, and the response I got was "No comprende English" Whoever that was didn't say another word. I was amused.

10-08-01 Argghhh!!! So much music coming out, so little cash, so long to wait! This is why I download so many mp3s. I wish there was a breakbeat store in Boling. God dammmmmittt....

10-06-01 Just needed to clarify that I won't be going on anymore anti-God-tirades on this page (heh, for at least a month, I guess). When I said I was going to leave the subject alone, I simply meant that. I will not, however stop linking SDA/Anti-SDA stes, until I'm damn near satisfied. So far, my findings are pleasing me.

10-06-01 I'd hate to beat this horse to death, but one thing Shane has told me he's sure of, something that bitch (and I'm just gonna call Ellen White that. She was an extremist bitch.) "prophecized," is national sunday law, which is basically legalized Sunday worship to the exclusion of all other days of worship. So what exactly is this hypothesized Catholic-Proddy government gonna do to us if we don't exactly? I think any reasonable person not bound by bullshit prophecy can read what's written on that page and assume not that Sunday law will be established, but that one way or another, it's gonna be a fucked up, confusing century.

10-05-01 Now, Tink, were you talkin' to me or Chuck? Post again and clarify, cuz if you were talking to Chuck that's just plain funny.

10-05-01 Cynical humanist, maybe. Spiritual skeptic, certainly. Lover of all that is good and pure and transcendant in the human experience: Absofuckinlutely. 12 year old rambling goth kid? Fuckin' never. I actually enjoy life, and am not limited to that enjoyment by my skepticism about your God, Tink. I ain't out to attack anybody here. I don't usually talk about these sorts of things here because I prefer to keep feelings unhurt. But as for "knowing what I'm talking about," I go from the evidence I'm given. And I am man enough and smart enough to make my own judgements based on that evidence. I'm not a theologian, but I'm not ignorant to basic fundamental Christian beliefs either. And they all point to a big prick in the sky. I don't believe in that, and I'm not a Christian. I don't believe, however, that being a Christian requires you to believe such a thing. Obviously not. So judge for yerself. That' s the whole point. And I won't talk of the matter further. Not because I sound like some rambling 'goth kid' but because I simply can't codify the message well enough in bits and pieces in a journal.

10-04-01 Ya know...I doubt I'm saying anything even damned close to original. So fuck it.

10-04-01 Now...does the bible explain exactly why God allowed all this to happen? Seriously, I haven't read it all the way through. I want to know. My intuition is, we're just supposed to shut our mouths and accept the "truth." But that turns spirituality into a fucking game. No dice.

10-04-01 I mean, shit, it seems to me that God could have very well simply forgiven Adam and Eve right then and there, and explained to them, as they were obviously creatures with intelligence second only to the Lord's, why sin and defiance was so damned bad. And then Adam and Eve woulda said, "oh, I see! Sorry, God," and then there would've been no suffering. Course, then there would've been no Preacher, and I swear I had this epiphany long before I read the last issue, I promise.

10-04-01 I'd hate to be a walking cliche, but how exactly can the simple human sin (something I actually call a virtue) of defiance put chaos into God's ordered little world? What the hell was God thinking? Ha! I am so corny.

10-02-01 Oh yeah, they do have a section about Prissy bitchass White, but I found it after I said they didn't. Sorry. Oh, and just for all those visiting that might be offended by the statement "the bible is wrong," the only thing I can say is sorry to offend you, but that little sentiment is indeed something I believe wholeheartedly. Cheers.

10-02-01 If God is inerrant, where exactly is the controversy again?

10-02-01 I need a shower. And some quaaludes

10-02-01 And I can't find Ellen White's name even mentioned there. But here you go, one last thing about all this:

"The Great Controversy: All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe. This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God's adversary, and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. This human sin resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the worldwide flood. Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation. (Rev. 12:4-9; Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:12-18; Gen. 3; Rom. 1:19-32; 5:12-21; 8:19-22; Gen. 6-8; 2 Peter 3:6; 1 Cor. 4:9; Heb. 1:14.)"

10-02-01 There ya go

10-02-01 Just wanted to point out that the Bible is wrong. I'm still looking for a God Damned link to a SDA church approved site! Maybe Google is run by Catholics.

10-02-01 Shane does, however, believe that the Second Coming is coming. And I'm somehow sure he believes in the Prophecies of Ellen White. Search that link and find the ones that were obviously wrong. I may ask Shane to defend himself, or maybe I'll just tiptoe around the subject and casually ask him if he believes Ellen White was right. Since he doesn't read this page because his parental blocking software won't access it because of vulgarity and pornography, wherever the fuck that's located, I'm sure Shane won't find out I'm doing my homework. If he does, though it's all good, and that official SDA link is still comin' and I am in no way trying to pull the rug out from under Shane. I couldn't if I tried.

10-02-01 Strange, how in all my conversations with Shane I never once heard the name Ellen White. She is considered the founder of the SDAs, if you count out William Miller, who gave up when he realized what he was doing was bullshit. So, maybe the church here in Chatt, and modern SDAz in general, are concentrating much more on the Bible now. Because if they're concentrating on the "teachings" of Ellen White, they're no better than the Mormons. I got that link comin, I promise.

10-02-01 Oopsss....hee hee. That site I linked there is actually a warning to SDAs. I'll try and find a real official site. Then you can judge for yourself. There's very little positive shit out there linked to the SDAs that I can find. This one fooled me. read befre you link read before you link read before you link read before you link you dumb man........

10-02-01 Now ya see? Damn. 2 minutes later. How can some fuckin' bitch's work be considered inerrant, i.e. having doctrinal authority? Sounds a littttttlllllee suspicious.

10-02-01 Ugh..5 seconds later. Here, I ain't gonna be onesided. That page is SDA approved. It speaks of Ellen White, and I think it underlines the same thing that the Anti-SDA sites did, with the obvious exception of pointing out errors. I hate to link shit like that, but judge for yourself. I'm obsessed with this for the next hour or so.

10-02-01 It occurs to me to do my homework. Our dear friend Shane is going to the Seventh Day Adventist college here in Chatt. next semester, and he has basically shut himself off from most influences other than the Bible. Or is there more to it than that? I've been reading up random sites I've found on the SDAs, and some of it is puzzling me. I knew they were considered a cult, but I now believe there is considerable evidence to support that claim. Every site I've been to so far has been either run by Catholics, or Catholic in extreme, so sure, there is a bias. But everyone of them, and even the SDA approved sites, speaks of Ellen White. This bitch is damned near evil. And according to the Catholic church she's a false-prophet to boot. Ha! Not like I really give a fuck who's right or wrong, it's just interesting to note that Adventism is just barely older than Mormonism. And I certainly hope, for Shane's sake, that he's right, because all I hear from him about all this is the innerancy of the Bible, and that his church is in accordance to it. Why then, was his church started by some fucked up ho who claimed she had visions from God? Just curious. And considering the tome, Great Controversy, probably the most influencial book next to the Bible for SDAs, what is more prevalent? The Bible or it? I don't mean to prod or hurt, It's just refreshing to hear that Shane might be wrong for a change.