Tsunami One - Dawn Of The Standing Wave
God, I hate being a Cd-R/mp3 DJ. I wish I had every song I've downloaded on vinyl. I'd be perfectly happy to pay for them all, as I'm a dirty bitch for not supporting all of these unknowns. I got this track off of Napster a long time back, and it turned out to be the opener to one of Adam Freeland's mix cds. The ending cuts off. But anyway, you should know the name Tsunami One by now, I mean, come on, where have you been for the past year? If you've heard Hip Hop Phenomenon, then give a shout out to the co-masters behind that song. Tsunami One are Adam Freeland and Kevin Beber. Adam Freeland I've spoken of diligently, the hour and a half he did for me personally in Atlanta(me and Cofer and Rhys and Brenda and Joey and his friend were often the only ones I saw dancing. Everyone else just kind of stood there. Philistines), sealed my love and respect for him, so I'll now focus on one of my other gods, Kevin Beber. He is the hip hop side of breakbeat right now. His stuff is tight, his production is tight, his vocalists (Tamra, mostly) are tight, and your sphincter will definetly not be tight when you hear his music. Everything loosens up. You just let it all go. I played his Chief Rocka at Mystical Ellusions, and you guys were goin' nuts. Also remember his name, as he will also be a big star. Oh yeah, the above song is ok. Not much to go nuts over. But slowed down enough, it mixes great out of the Hybrid remix of South Side. Heh. I don't really like this song much, though.