Pendant of the Eternal Flame and the Robe of Defence

  • From the Cliff Face

      ;sw;w;swim sea;e;e;ne;w;w;n;ne;e;e;e;e;#WAIT 5000;n;e;e;e;e;e;e;s;s;s;s;w;#wait 5000;w;w;nw;nw;s;s;s;s;sw;w;n;e;s;w;n;e

  • Priestess to Cliff Face (Back)
      w;s;e;n;w;s;e;ne;n;n;n;n;se;#wait 5000;se;e;e;e;n;n;n;n;w;w;w;w;w;w;#wait 5000;s;w;w;w;w;sw;s;e;e;sw;w;w;ripple;e;ne;s

  • Info
    The Pendant and Robe are on the NPC Mierlene Priestess, she isnt tuff at all, but both Pendant and Robe come in very small size, ask a Halfling to resize them for you if you are medium.