SpellBreaker (King Wraia Quest)

  • From the South Gate of Pesvint

      s,s,se,se,s,e,e,ne,ne,n,n,nw,n,n,w,n,kill Lycra and take the gate key,s,e,e,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,w,kill high magnus and get key from corpse,e,3s,stairs,w, kill monster, get key and tear from corpse e,all south,w, kill monster and get key from corpse w,4n,u,n, kill dragon, get key from corpse s,w, kill dragon, get key from corpse s,e, kill dragon, get key from corpse w,s,kill dragon,s, kill dragon,stairway, pull sword now you can kill wraia without him healing 1/2 to 3/4ths total HP every round.

  • From Wraia to the South Gate of Pesvint (Back)

  • Info
    Wraia can punnish and cast wrath, he takes decent hits too. He holds the Spellbreaker (best shield in the game)