Enquar Stat Quest

  • From Great Oak

      5e;6se;s;2e;5s;2e;3s;5e;s;4ne;2nw;2n;enter (you will be in Enquar);Wander through the land of Enquar and collect eight wasp wings (the wasps auto-attack, and you automatically collect the wings);Find the black pool;drink pool.
  • Hints

    The room with the pool is connected to the same four rooms, though in random directions. These four rooms are:

  • Field of death
  • Dimly lit forest
  • Forest in Enquar
  • Temple of the Sun God

    • Upon completion of this quest, you can get one stat point one time, or credits toward extra lives. Stat points cannot be raised above your racial maximum. Two life credits are required to gain an extra life.

  • From Dead End to Cliff Face (Back)