Equiping in Eternia Quest

  • From the Cliff Face

      n, sw, w, swim sea, 2e, ne, 2w, n, ne, 4e, n, 3e, s, 3w, nw, kill the anemone and 'get pendant', se, e, 2se, sw, s, e, give pendant to cleric, w, n, ne, se, n, ne, n, w, n, up, 2w, n, 3w, show medallion.

  • Tidal Circle to Cliff Face (Back)
      w, w, w, sw, w, w, w, sw, s, e, e, sw, w, w, ripple, e, ne, s

  • Hints
    You will get a guardsman's surcoat, you can drop this and still be able to equip in Eternia once you finnish the quest.