
I'm your guide, names Amorphous

Every time you buy the self help book.....

Every time you buy the 10 tape audio....

Every time you sign up for the workshop......


Hi I'm going to be your guide out of the What is the Mahatrix? ..stand in any mind/body/spirit section of any large bookstore and the Mahatrix is all around you.

You can touch it, feel it...but the Mahatrix is a construct. It isn't real. I am going to lead you out, I am your mentor and your tormentor.

I am wondering...are you the chosen one. Are you the only person who can put into practice all the lessons of the Mahatrix? I have never met anyone who can be assertive, do their affirmations, om their oms, heal their inner child and sit down to a big bowl of alfalfa sprouts. Perhaps you are the one, have we found you?

Lets find out...

You are Newbie and we are going to see if you are the chosen one. First you must train. I've said enough, if you dare then follow the organically reared white rabbit to enter the mahatrix

The white bunny is called Barry, of course