I wubbed your pix! I weally want a bird-day cake like that when I turn 1 next week!
Scarlet, the "other" V, in California
You are a very cute puppy. We are cats...Mew and Cudles. You have a cute web page! Ours is better...lol.
Cats Rule...Dog Drool...j/k
Mew and Cudles
Hello Cousin Zee-
Cool page your sporting... I wish my owners would give me my own web page- and
they call themselves 21st century... Oh- guess what- I got a squirrel the
other day- a baby one! yea baby- I was throwing it around the yard- well until
Russ caught me... Nicole was at work- Russ wasn't going to tell Nicole 'cause he
knew she would get upset. But no one yelled- I guess it's ok then... Well dude-
let me trot. catch you soon....
Jackie the human writes on 8/28/01:
Hey Zee!
I love all of your new pictures, and hope you had a great birthday. You seem
to get prettier and prettier with age. I can't wait to buy a house so I can
get a doggie just like you. Maybe we can arrange a play date! Stay cute and
try to stay out of trouble. Please say hi to you sister Cher for me.
Cleo's family (Zee Zee's sister) writes on 3/20/01:
Great pictures of ZeeZee's 1st birthday! She and Cleo are definately
siblings . . they look exactly alike! Keep up the good work!!
Judy and family
Zee Zee's sister, Cleo writes on 2/26/01:
Dear Zee Zee,
Happy Birthday ZeeZee!
This is your sister Cleo's family wishing you a Happy 1st Birthday. We love
your web site, especially the pictures of you as a litttle pup - on top of
the end table. Cleo's been, there done that too. We also have a pool, but
Cleo does not like the water at all- she won't even step in a puddle . . .
Her favorite things to do are to run in the woods and eat sticks! Or find the
nearest empty lap to snuggle. There are 5 laps in this family, 3 of which
are little ones (8, 9, & 12 yrs old) Cleo can't wait to get back out on the
soccer field once we get rid of all this slush, but in the meantime, there's
always more obedience school . . !
Glad to hear things are going well for you (how's that injured foot?)
Keep in touch and Happy Birthday from Massachusetts,
Judy, John, Samantha, Eric, James and Cleo
Dear Zee Zee,
Lexus the Pit Bull writes on 12/27/00:
All my mommie does is talk about how cute you are and crazy. WE have to set
up a play date so that we can cause some damage together. I know my mommie
and Frankie have caused some damage in the house, so i'm living out the
tradition. YOu can call me on my cell phone, the number is 555-RUFF.
Yours truly,
Princess Lexus
CJ writes on 12/27/00:
Greetings Zee Zee and salutations!
Slammin' webpage! Very informative about Vizsla's. I'd come over and play,
but swimming pools scare me (I'm not too fond of water). I don't like my
hair messed up. Okay, I have to go back to eating my bone. Bark to you soon!
LIcks and butt smelling,
Jelly Bean the kitty writes on 12/27/00:
Meow! Meow....meow...Meow. Hi Zee Zee, I'd let you come over to see me, but
you would only scare me and give me chronic diarrhea.
Jelly Bean
Daisy, the Golden Retriever writes on 6/2/00:
Daisy says hey. Now get bigger so we can play!
Wet kisses, Daisy
Jakey the Brown Lab "writes" on 5/28/00:
Cousin Zee Roof!
I saw your pictures and i can't wait to meet you, but mommy says that I am
too big and you are too little to play with me.
(ps- i get smacked for standing on tables so it's not a good idea to do that!)