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Indy's Puppy Story!

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Hello everyone! My name is Indy! I was born on May 11th, 2002 from my mommie, Shana. I had 10 brothers and sisters - TEN sibling pups! Can you believe it?! I grew to be 8 weeks old and my new mom and dad came to pick me up. My new mom seemed so happy...and so did my new dad! We drove in the car for a long time and finally made it home. Mom gave me many kisses for being such a good girl. On that same day, I met my new grandpa and my half sister, Zee Zee Pazza. I even got into a good stance for a photo or two. Well, by the end of the day, I was so tired, that I fell asleep on my new stuffed toy, Booda. I even conked out on the floor with dad. In fact, being that I am a pup, I sleep a lot. I sleep and sleep and even snuggle in the sheets. Of course, I also love to be outside and hang in the backyard. I often sit and contemplate life. I also love to RUN RUN RUN! Sometimes, I get into mischief , but overall, I am a good girl!