
Not many as yet, seeing as there are very few decent anti S Club 7 sites. Just the three then. I you've got a site you'd like me to link, send it here

Death To S Club 7 The biggest S Club 7 site on the net, and the one that got me interested in actually building this site in the first place.

Frank's unofficial S Club 7 website Hilairious. Twisted. Go there now.

S Club 7-secrets. Are S Club 7 Satan's minions? (Yes.) Find out here.

The Billie Piper Hatred Domain. An absolutely HUGE anti Billie Piper site, which I've been visiting for a while (I hated Billie before I'd ever even heard of S Club 7) So go visit!

The crap awards Awards the shittest bands on the planet special awards for achievement in the field of crapness. WESTLIFE ARE THE DARK LORDS OF HELL.

Britney Speared
Not that full of content right now, but what there is is hella funny. Go see.