S Club Story-Part One
S Club Story-Part One

We all know S club 7 are not from this earth,but where are they from? They are, in fact, lost souls from the pit of Hades. Desperate for a chance to get out of hell and to please their dark master, they agreed to grin constantly and jig around miming songs so sickeningly cheesy that no-one would suspect that they are in fact, the work of Beelzebub. But no! Hidden in S-club party are subliminal messages saying "Satan is my master. Hail the Prince of Darkness!" This was proved when 2000 immpressionable 6 year olds jumped out of the top floor of a department store when someone played s club party, but no-one suspected it was the Devil's Work, as they just thought the poor toddlers were unable to take such sickening cheese-pop that they leapt out the window of their own accord.

This public information message was brought to you by s club haters, official haters of S club 7.