
As I am constantly being teased over my extensive vocabulary, I thought I'd put it to good use:-

Sclub7 are the result of a genetic modification experiment on chimpanzees, to allow them to speak. Unfortunately, it went devastatingly wrong, resulting in the birth of 7 hideously mutilated mutants, whose brains are fueled by the excrement of skunks and other noxious creatures. In addition to not being able to sing a note, they frequently fornicate with members of the South African fauna, which is hardly surprising, considering that there is not a one of them whose physiognamy does not uncanily resemble the derriere of a rhinosceros. However, there is a certain subspecies of the human race which enjoys listening to their music. Experts suspect this may be the result of extra terrestrial influence. The subspecies is currently known as idiotus lunaticius maximus. If you see one of these rabid, slavering maniacs, do them and the world a kindness and shoot them on sight. Deepest regards,

Written by Carmilla, another friend of mine. She's at Carmilla99@hotmail.com