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My Testing Zone and idea Site

Whats New!?! I just updated the Flavor of the week on 12/29/02
So the page is under constuction, who's site isn't...
Basically this page is about Music and bands that are playing on the radio nowadays.Do you like the new bands? Do you hate the new ones? Do YOU have an opinion.... Oh I know you do. And also New bands on the rise! Also click on my Beatles site to get to my other site! It is really coming together cool! Oh well this is mostly for fun anyway so anything you can tell me about yourselves and the music you love,I will put on here. Just click on "you say" at the bottom and email me.. Sign my guestbook and leave it there I will put you in writing, Well sign the Guestbook anyway..
**Plus anyone who has a suggestion for "Flavor of the Week" is free to email me
or put it on my guestbook. ** I could use the inspiration from time to time. :) Well for now thats all I have to say. So just enjoy the site and have fun!

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