*H-gh- “day”
PMA aha(n) “day” Sanskrit IENH 461: *h(a|ë)g- “to burn, be on fire, be aflame, be ablaze, shine brightly” Proto-Nostratic > ahi-h. “the sun” Sanskrit, IndoEuropean aha: “day” Sanskrit, IndoEuropean *h(a|ë)g- “to burn, be on fire, be aflame, be ablaze, shine brightly” Proto-AfroAsiatic SIG, VISW *Y.-K.-r- *Y.éghor- > *óghor- high tone Proto-IndoEuropean áhar “time of day, day or night” Sanskrit *òghr- low tone Proto-IndoEuropean ahr-, ahn- n-extension for the oblique cases besides -r- “time of day, day or night” Sanskrit ahas^ ca krs^mám áhar árjunam ca, Rgv. VI 9 1 “the black and the white time of day = night and day” Sanskrit asn- “day” Avestan áhani: (dual) “day and night” Sanskrit ahaná: epithet of dawn Sanskrit Ygh1ò:ra: > gh1ò:ra: > *gh-r-, o-grade ho:ra “time of day” Latin *Y.-s.-r- Proto-AfroAsiatic Y.as.arun, Y.as.run “a time, space of time, an hour, a time of the day, day (as opposed to night), night (as opposed to day), the morning (before or after sunrise), the afternoon” Arabic al-Y.as.ra:ni “(the two times of day =) day and night” Arabic HSED 24: *?ah^- “fire” 3h^.t “fire” Egyptian (Book of the Dead) *?aG(u)- “fire” Central Chadic ?u?u “fire” Bura hu?u “fire” Kilba uGu “fire” Fali Kiria ahu “fire” Kuseri u “fire” Gulfey au “fire” Buduma hu: “fire” Mbara Assimilation of vowels in several languages. In Gulfey, u goes back to *?uGu- with the consequent loss of the second syllable. Reduplication in Bura and Kilba. HSED 129: *?ug- “burn” *?ug- “burn” Semitic ?gg [-u-] “burn” Arabic *?ig-/*?ug- East Chadic yuga “burn” Ndam ?iggo “fry” Migama Ndm yu- < *?u-. Related to *?eg- “fire” Lowland East Cushitic ?eeg “fire” Arbore HB: egun, egu-, egur- “day” Basque PMA aho- “day, light, world” Tonga, Nanumea, E. Euvian aso- “day” Samoa, Tikopian aso- “sun” Lolsiwoi ao- “day, light” Tahiti, Hawai'i, Anutan oso- “day, light” Bugui aho- “sun, day” Solomon Is. aho- “sun” Wailengi, Nggala m-aho- “sun” Kerepuna maten-aho, matan-aho- “sun, as eye of the day” Lolomatui, Ngwatua, Leper's Island PMA hora “predictive art, division of time or space” Sanskrit huro'a- “daytime” Are'are horo “time, period” Arosi hula “prediction, prophecy” Philippines ulana “prophecy” Hawai'i hura “moon, lunar month” Are'are hura-ana “until, till” Melanesia hara-tahi “adverb of time and place” Melanesia huri-huri “origin, source” Melanesia haro “adverb of time” Solomon Is. hara pote “phase” Solomon Is. hor'ai “daybreak,sunrise” Solomon Is. hora'i “to begin” Arosi hororaha “irregular or intermittent periods” Arosi horam “year” Maat huram “year” Toak huli “late” Tagalog ulit “time according to repeated acts” Tagalog hulu-gan, hulo-g “installment payments” Philippines hulo “source” Philippines huli “to turn, repeat” Philippines horota “time, period” Melanesia horang “sun” Kate Back