*H-p-u- “fire”
DCM a:po “fire” Nahali phu, pfu “fire” Burushaski *pu:/*b(h)u: “burn, roast, boil” Sino-Tibetan *(?a)pV “heat, hot” Yeniseian CAAA 9: api ~ abe “fire” Ainu *apuy “fire” Austronesian GELP: AfroAsiatic *p£i./u. “fire, heat” Egyptian p£(-w?) “fire” Egyptian Chadic fuu id. Logone Berber (e-)fiw id. Taneslemt (ti-)fau(-t) id. Mzab Sino-Tibetan *phwâr “fire” Tibeto-Burman *pwâr(/*bwâr) id. var id. Moshang *xwâr id. Archaic Chinese assuming that -r is a suffix, as in IndoEuropean *paXwo:r id. Amerind *p'iXwV “fire, to burn” Penutian *p'i “hot” Maidu Hokan pwe “to burn” Jicaque Equatorial *pawa(-ta) “to make fire” Arawakan NS 144: *p'iGwV “fire, heat” Proto-Nostratic *-pVHV (~b-) “heat, burn” Sino-Caucasian *pu: (~b(h)-) “burn, roast, boil” Sino-Tibetan *(?a)pV- “heat, hot” Proto-Yeniseian CELR V 36: *'a-fu'- “fire” Central Chadic p´w id- Egyptian CELR VIII 37: *fwas- “burn” West Chadic *puc- “roast” Central Chadic wps “burn” Egyptian CELR VIII 42: *fyay “burn” Central Chadic `3fy id. Egyptian PMA ahi- “fire” Maori, Teor., Goram ahu- “burnt, scalded” Tahiti ahe- “fire” Banjak Is. ahu- “heat, fever” Tahiti ahu- “fire” Buru afi- “fire” Fila, Mele, Futuna Back